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Acyclovir dosage to help cut the chances of transmission

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Hello, I’m currently taking 2x 200 mg of acyclovir daily as prescribed by my doctor, it seems to to working fine but I’ve read on here that to be able to suppress it and cut the chances of transmission you need 500-800mg daily is this correct ? 

I’m debating if to ask for a higher dosage or start taking 4 of my tablets daily if that’s the case .. but don’t want to do that if it what I’m on is already enough 


Thank you 😊 





Personally I think if that dosage is working for you then probably no need to increase it.

I live in the UK and the recommended suppressive dosage with acyclovir is 400mg tablet twice daily and that's what I've been on and it has given me no problems and works perfect

55 minutes ago, Anonymous88 said:

Personally I think if that dosage is working for you then probably no need to increase it.

I live in the UK and the recommended suppressive dosage with acyclovir is 400mg tablet twice daily and that's what I've been on and it has given me no problems and works perfect

Thank you so much for the response  I’m In the Uk also, I wonder why I’ve been give only 400 daily, but yeah it’s working fine so I’ll stick at it 😌

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Yep, same dosage in the states, too. 👍  The only reason you’d bump up the dosage is for episodic treatment taken when an outbreak first comes on, especially early on (within the first year of getting herpes) before your body has had enough time to develop antibodies to naturally suppress outbreaks (both in frequency and severity). But if your outbreaks are manageable, then even bumping up the dosage episodically wouldn’t be necessary. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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