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Ovary pain?? Is this part of it?

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Does anyone suffer from ovarian pain because of herpes? I’m starting to worry I have something else going on. I keep getting aches on both sides of my lower abdomen & I feel full. If I squeeze my thighs together it’s uncomfortable & feels like I’m squeezing my ovaries together but I have no sores or signs of an outbreak. I was diagnosed with BV at the same time as H, could that have something to do with it? I wasn’t treated for BV- they just gave me anti-vitals. I really don’t have the resources to go to the gynecologist  for a full exam to know exactly what is going on so I figured I would see if anyone had a similar experience. Thanks! 


I was also diagnosed with BV as well as the Herpes (HSV1). They only gave me antivirals. I am currently dealing with an itch, no odor, watery discharge. I thought I was having another outbreak but I took Valtrex again, but 2 days later and I still have this itch. I believe that this may be the BV that never was treated cause it has been over a month since I was diagnosed with both BV and the Herpes.  I am no doctor unfortunately, so I am going to be making an appointment to go back to the gyno.  I did call and they told me to take monistat but I absolutely refuse because the last time I took that it felt like a fire down there. Plus, I do not want to take monistat if I do not know what it is exactly. As you may know BV and yeast infections are treated with completely different medications.  I will follow up with you after my visit, unfortunately if it is BV you will need a doctor to give you a prescription for antibiotics. It does however sound like BV cause of the pain in your abdomen. Maybe also try a probiotic, I just started taking one just to help myself out down there.



@Emd44Thank you! You are smart-Why would they say get monstat if BV is cause by completely different bacteria & needs different medication. I am going to pick up some probiotics today...I think now that I have left it untreated for so long it has turned into pelvic inflammatory disease after researching  😕 please update me after your doctors appointment. I will now need to search for one. 


Oh gosh what kind of doctor are you guys going to??? Monistat doesn't treat BV. Most of the time I think BV just runs its course. I didn't have the money for antibiotics one time and it eventually went away, but I think that's kind of a dice roll because it can also get worse. I've never had ovarian pain from either BV or herpes but I have had issues with cysts. They are usually harmless (we all have cysts on our ovaries that come and go but sometimes I can feel them). I take a high estrogen birth control that controls that. If it's persistent and causing you a LOT of pain you really need to get an ultrasound. 

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone ever find out the source of their ovarian pain?

i also was diagnosed with BV and then GHSV within the same time frame and it’s been about 8 months since my first and only outbreak and my ovaries hurt...the pain is localized on the right side of my body. Ultrasound showed nothing there (no cysts or fibroids).

wondering if anyone found the source of this pain for them?


thank you! 

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