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I’ve only recently been diagnosed with ghsv2 this past February...and have been reading reading reading non-stop since. Most of what I’ve read has calmed me down EXCEPT when I comb this forum and find so many people experiencing MORE frequent and MORE severe OB’s as time goes on. It scares me!

When I start to feel okay with wrapping my head around this diagnosis my mind starts “what-if-ing”. What if I’m one of those people who’s OB’s never stop? What if mine get worse and worse as time goes on? 

Its consumed my thoughts and life...I know I should be telling myself there’s nothing I can do and just live life but I’m curious as to what percentage of people actually get MORE ob’s as time goes on or is the norm that the virus calms down...?

I’m currently on my second OB...I guess it’s the same as the first, one side...mild I’d say? Same spot as the first just without groin pain on the one side this time...I think the mark for this one is lasting longer than the first OB so my mind is going crazy. I haven’t told ANYONE about my diagnosis and do not plan to, so this is my only place to discuss what’s on my mind 😔 Any insights? Thank you ❤️ 


@TBarr swab...I had a TINY mark that stung and freaked out and called my gyno...who gave me an appointment for the following week...I called back three times begging to come in that day...on the third call they finally said ok come in but you’re going to have to wait around for the doctor...so I went...the dr looked at it and said that’s a VERY tiny mark, he’s not at all sold that it’s anything...he would not have even noticed it unless I pointed it out... this does not look herpetic but we’ll swab it anyway (so he did...very roughly)...and sure enough...positive for HSV2 a few days later via phone call...at that visit he was trying to reassure me (which I took) that this does not look like a typical first OB...most have many lesions etc etc. so I actually felt better leaving but then the phone call came a few days later. 


I am a new bee here and got detected by blood work. Still haven't had any proper ob or may be I had a mild one which I didn't realize. Going by data % of people having frequent obs are very less actually. 80% of the infected people are unaware that they have it. Out of 20% of the infected people who gets obs average obs for ghsv1 is one ob in 1.5 yrs and for ghsv2 4 to 5 obs in a year. For one it can be dormant for years and then be active all of a sudden due to some major changes in the body and start having frequent obs . I will say thinking too much about it won't do any good rather may make the situation bad by increasing stress. Instead try not to disturb your inner peace, eat healthy, exercise, stay fit, increase immunity level and most importantly be happy and give a damn to this virus. 

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