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Everything posted by organicmama

  1. It was extremely deceitful. I honestly haven't even been able to process it. I have only been focusing on my health and my child. I am going to therapy this week to start processing what he did. Honestly, when I think about it I become so angry and upset. I just cannot do that to myself right now because I need to keep my stress low and focusing on what you cannot change does not do any good.
  2. My significant other knew he had it and did not tell me. We only had sex 3 times since getting back together. He was taking antivirals and did not have an OB. He passed it to me.
  3. Hey, I'm going to start this diet tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. Hey, @alllgood I haven't seen it but I'm going to check it out. Oil of Oregano has been highly recommended by a ton of people, including medical professionals. Here's the thing - I am trying everything I can. I won't not do something to get rid of this unless it seems unhealthy. I say, why wouldn't you try? The worst thing that can happen is you still have it. I am taking a ton of supplements, eating all organic, and doing ozone therapy (which is pretty expensive). I am going to give this virus hell. I am not going to bow down and say there is no cure. I had my first OB a few weeks ago and my doctor said it was extremely mild for a first OB and b/c my immune system is so good I might not get anymore or they will be extremely mild. So fight for your health. Give it your all. I know I am. I am not saying there is a cure or I will cure my body but I'm definitely going to try.
  5. Hi, Dog Dad! I feel like I can really sympathize with you. I was diagnosed with severe depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I went through a lot this summer with my mental health. A lot of it had to do with my ex (the father of my child). We got back together recently and he gave me HSV2. If it were not for my son I do not think I could make it through this. However, we have to remember that our lives are more than a virus. Our lives are more than a skin condition. At the end of the day, this does not cause any serious health concerns if you take care of your body. I am doing A LOT to combat mine. I have had one OB, which was very mild. If you ever want to talk, let me know. I am here for you. I have felt very alone in all of this and I never want anyone else to feel that way. I would also recommend talking to a doctor about your testing. There are so many ways to get tested for H so understanding your test and how they did it is important.
  6. @mr_hopp thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. I think the thing I am most upset about is not being told before hand, so all of this could have been avoided. However, it is too late for that and being resentful of it will not change it. Also, feeling dirty around my child. I am so fearful to touch him. I have sanitizer all over the house. I feel like I am driving myself crazy. I spoke to my doctor, who is the one doing my ozone therapy, she had her own OBGYN practice for 30 years and she even told me unless I sexually molest my son he cannot get what I have. Even after being told that I'm still a psycho with bleaching towels, doorknobs, his tub. I don't let anyone else use the bathtub except him and I clean it every day. I really hope the anxiety of it passes.
  7. Hi, Everyone - I am here because I truly feel so alone in this. I am a mother of a two year old little boy. The father and I broke up for about 10 months. In that time he was sexual with other women. I was not sexual with anyone else. He contracted HSV2. We got back together about a month ago and a week later I noticed a small lesion and a bump. I mentioned it to him and it is when he told me he was positive for HSV2. He did not tell me prior to this. It should have been my decision. He gave me an incurable virus and I am extremely resentful. I was finding it hard enough to get over the fact that he was with other women but now I have to carry a virus around in my body to remind me of this every single day. Over the last few weeks I have been trying everything. I have had (2) 10-pass ozone therapies done, which is very pricey. I have also been taking an insane amount of supplements: lysine, monolaurin, vitamin c, elderberry, echinacea, propolis, and immune boosting complex that contains zinc. I have also ordered wild oil of oregano. Topically I apply a lemon balm that contains a number of antiviral and antibacterial oils. My first OB was very mild and not painful. My doctor said there is a chance I will be one of those people who never gets one again and my immune system is obviously firing since my first OB was so mild and went away quickly (6 days). I am truly hoping for that. More so, I am hoping I can eradicate this virus from my body. Guys, the main reason I am writing this is because I am so god damn resentful of my partner. He should have told me. He should have let me decide if I wanted that in my body or him in my life with the virus. How am I supposed to trust him? How am I supposed to heal from this? On top of that, I am someone with insane anxiety. I am TERRIFIED of passing it to my little boy. My doctor told me unless you sexually abuse your child you cannot pass G-HSV2 to them. I go home and bleach the towels every single day. My little boy uses the colored towels, we use the white towels. Also, I bleach his tub daily. I also wash his clothes separately and make my partner bag up his clothes before throwing them down the shoot and I do the same. I feel like I am going crazy. Are there any other parents here who have this anxiety? I hope this passes.
  8. Hi, I am new here and was recently diagnosed with HSV2. I understand exactly what you are feeling. The father of my child gave me HSV2.. he knew he had it and did not tell me. We broke up for about 10 months. In this time I did not see another person, but he did. We are back together now. He told me he was scared to tell me because he thought I would leave him. It should have been my choice to do so. Instead, he gave me an incurable virus. It's awful. I am here to talk to people like yourself who are seeking others who understand their situation. I just want you to know you are not alone. I really truly feel as though I am. The only people that know are my son's father (who was the giver), my OBGYN, and the doctors who do my ozone therapy.
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