This is a really interesting question. I do think saying you caught it sounds braver. Yes. However, I definitely think it depends on your personal situation and how you feel about how you caught it. I have been with one man (the father of my child) in the past four years. He cheated on me, I asked him to get tested, he told me he did and did not have anything. The truth is - he did get tested but he tested positive for HSV2 and knowingly passed it to me then tried to use the virus as blackmail so I would let him have shared custody of our child - who I have been solely responsible for since the day he was born. My son's father is also a recovering addict. So there are a lot of chapters to that book. I feel as though I was given herpes. I am someone who is extremely type A, anxiety ridden, etc. he knew giving this to me would crush my world. I am also an extremist about my health. As soon as I found out I had it I went and got 31 rounds of ozone therapy done, ultraviolet blood irradiation, I take tons of immune boosting supplements everyday, I stay VERY clean, wash everything constantly, etc. I would probably feel differently about what happened to me if it were from being risky or if my partner was unaware.