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Everything posted by organicmama

  1. Type 1 can be on the genitals. It's actually becoming pretty common now.
  2. Candida probably. Your OBGYN can swab you to find out. I throw coconut oil down there and it's relieving. If you put a little oregano oil in there it's a natural antiviral. Oregano oil is an herbal supplement that's known forits antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It contains several potentially healing compounds, such as carvacrol, thymol, and terpinine.
  3. I am so sorry for being so direct about this but here is my opinion - fuck him. I can understand why someone is nervous about contracting the virus. I totally would have been one of those people. I still don't want to be with someone else who has it because I don't want the risk of reinfecting myself since I'm doing EVERYTHING to get my viral load down. BUT if someone doesn't accept you for it then that is their choice and they are not for you. LOVE YOU. Find someone who adores the shit out of you and won't let a virus scare them away.
  4. I mix organic coconut oil with oregano oil (pure, mediterranean, wild) - I actually apply this daily regardless of symptoms.
  5. Hey darling, your guess is going to be as good as ours. The likelihood of you contracting something without sex is limited.. unless the person had open sores.. I don't know. I really wish the best for you, truly. Do not freak out until you get your diagnosis.
  6. My ex (and father of my child) did not disclose to me, was taking antivirals, and gave it to me only after a few times of being intimate after he contracted it. He slept with other women so he didn't tell me obviously. Awesome. Anyway, I feel like he sexually assaulted me. He KNOWINGLY gave me a virus I will have for the rest of my life. I am anxious and uncomfortable in my own skin thanks to him. Not disclosing is selfish to say the least. Tell your partner regardless of wether or not you stay with him because he should get tested now and avoid spreading it to other people if he has it. I would not wish this virus on my worst enemy. People have sued other people over this. I have completely cut off all contact with him because of this. If he were honest with me I could have made the choice about what I want for my body.
  7. Hey, Elle! I have not had any outbreaks since the ozone therapy. It has been six weeks.
  8. Hey, can I ask you why you're getting the western blot test? Did you do something to combat the virus and feel it may be gone? Just wondering! I am doing ozone therapy, taking a shit ton of supplements, and eating extremely healthy (juicing, organic food, etc). I am thinking about getting the test done after I'm done with ozone therapy. They have seen the virus disappear from blood tests after 30 rounds - I will have completed my 30 rounds after this weekend.
  9. You beautiful soul. I am so sorry this happened to you. Take really good care of yourself. Eat healthy, work out, take some immune boosting supplements like echinacea, elderberry, monolaurin, etc. also take a probiotic, get lots of vitamin C in your body, and try to be as calm as possible so your immune system can do it's thing. This is only my OPINION - but it seems as though the better you take care of your body the less symptoms you will have. My doctor told me not to drink, eat lots of organic veggies, take oil of oregano, and my supplements, and just try to live a life that's more stress free. If you need to talk to someone, I'm here. Always. Also, I know your immune system cannot fight this alone because the virus will hide where your immune system can't find it BUT when the virus tries to surface - that's when your immune system does matter. So much love to you.
  10. Hey, this is coming from someone who got it from someone who did not disclose. I'm glad you finally did disclose but in the future you definitely need to tell them in advance. My son's father did not disclose, was on medication, and gave it to me only after a couple of times of being intimate. We broke up for a period of time, which he slept with other women (obviously), and then we got back together. I have completely cut him out of my life because he did not give me basic human respect of allowing me to make the choice. I will never forgive him. He effected my health and my body image. I just don't think that's right. I am not trying to make you feel bad AT ALL because I am sure you feel bad enough but not disclosing is wrong. I think you just need to give him his space, be understanding, and learn from this.
  11. @unwritten believe it or not, it's not the end of your life. It's not the end of your dating life, either. Take really good care of yourself. Work out, eat very well (lots of all natural, organic fruits and veg), take some immune boosting supplements, try to stay calm, and your body will thank you. The virus will go into hibernation and once it does you'll start to feel like yourself again. It has been a little over a month since my first OB and as the days go on and I don't have another I start to feel better. I still check myself every single day and every time I go to the bathroom. I make myself coconut oil with oregano oil topical to apply daily. I use DMSO cream with oregano oil to apply to my spine, and I take a ton of supplements. I am not on any antivirals. My first OB was very mild so my doctor doesn't think it will be necessary at this point. I am also doing ozone therapy - my doctor told me it can eradicate the virus but the only way to TRULY know that would be to tap into where the virus is kept (in the spine) and no one will do that obviously. But if it keeps me from having OB's then I am happy. I have also written to a ton of doctors who are going to have human trials on therapeutic vaccines. I'm a bit much, I know. But I will do anything to get rid of it or at least keep it from being visible. My friend had her first OB 12 years ago and never had one again.. she is now married and has a child. I got mine from the father of my child because he was sleeping around.. he also knew he had it and didn't tell me. I haven't been with anyone else in 4 years so. It's not a dirty person's virus. It doesn't make you a bad person. My other friend got it because his girlfriend cheated on him. Love yourself. Be good to yourself and your body. I'm working on this, too. So much love for you. Get out of bed today and do something nice for yourself.
  12. Hey Jenn, Fellow mama here and I totally get what you mean. I feel the same way with my kid. I was diagnosed a little over a month ago. My first OB was very mild and I haven't had another one yet. I am thankful for that. Every day I wake up and check, every time I go to the bathroom I check, every shower, etc. I am washing my clothes separately and bleaching my towels after every single use. I am taking a ton of immune boosting supplements and doing ozone therapy (autohemotherapy). I am a germaphobe so this diagnosis has been VERY hard for me. Just know you can't give it to your kids. My doctor told me unless I sexually molest my son I cannot give it to him. I still have my anxiety-ridden "what if" moments. My doctor also said there are SO many people that have it. They really think the number is more like 3 out of 5 nowadays because so many people have it and don't even know it. You wouldn't get it by having a daily interaction with them, would you? No. So try not to worry. Another woman wrote to me when I said the same thing and told me her friend has it and refuses to live her life in fear because of it. Message me anytime. I'm here for you. I understand this completely. I'm working on it myself.
  13. I can understand you feeling bad. You're a human being and a wonderful one at that. Be there for him. Love him unconditionally and no matter how bad it hurts - keep being there for him. My partner knowingly gave it to me without disclosing and has not been there for me emotionally AT ALL. It has been the worst part of the process. You told him as soon as you knew and he took the risk. That's all you could have done to prevent possible transmission. Just be there for him. Tell him he is a wonderful human being. Tell him he is handsome, lovable, and amazing.
  14. I just want to say I'm so happy for people who are still sexual when they have H. I feel as though I don't want to be touched. I am so disgusted with my body. I am truly, truly happy for people who do not feel this way. I hope one day I feel the same.
  15. Hi, Everyone - I am the mother of a beautiful two year old little boy. The father of my child is the only person I have been with since we first started dating a few years ago. We took a break for awhile and he slept with other women. I asked him if he was safe and if he was checked - he said he was checked and did not have any STI's. He lied to me. He was diagnosed with HSV2 and gave it to me. I feel so dirty. I feel unlovable. I feel so betrayed. I don't want anyone to touch me. I don't even want to touch myself. I am washing my hands so often that they hurt. I am scared to even be around my little boy. I hate changing his diaper and applying his diaper cream because I'm terrified I will give him my disease. Before I change him I wash my hands, dry them, then apply a sanitizer to them. I don't even feel like a human anymore. I feel like a walking disease. I don't want to live like this anymore. Honestly, I can't.
  16. Hey, @Dandelion333! I am new at this - I was just recently diagnosed. My first OB was a month ago and it was mild. However, I shave every other day with no issues (I'm italian so.. it would get out of control). I think everyone is probably different.
  17. That's awesome!!! Good for you!! I'm taking monolaurin, oregano oil, daily immune complex, lysine, probiotic, and propolis. I'm eating a gluten-free, organic, all natural diet. I try to get as many berries and greens in as I can. I used to be REALLY into working out. I'm actually a nationally qualified bikini competitor - but I've been so depressed I haven't been able to work out. I really need to get back...
  18. I told my sister and it was the best decision I ever made. I no longer feel alone. Before I told her the only person that knew was the person who KNOWINGLY gave it to me without disclosing. It was hard to be comforted by someone who could do that.
  19. Hey darling, my son's father gave me H and did not disclose. He did not give me the choice to contract it or not. In fact, he lied to me and told me he was tested and was negative for every STI. I am seeing a therapist to process what he did. I have a lot of conflicting emotions. On one hand, I now feel like I don't deserve to be with someone who doesn't have it. On the other hand, I feel I don't deserve to be with someone who didn't show me BASIC respect. Let alone love and loyalty. She asked me one question: "Would you be with him if you got rid of it?" I said no. She said that's your answer. Do not choose to be with someone based upon your status. Also, if you are working on fighting off the virus do not have unprotected sex with someone with the virus - I am told (by my OBGYN) this will continually be a blow to your immune system.
  20. Are you taking any supplements or doing anything special with your diet to help your body?
  21. Yup, I know what the IGG levels are. So what you are thinking TOTALLY makes sense. However, this is why it can be confusing. The virus might not be very active in your body - so your immune system might not need to be reacting to it - so this can cause your levels to be low. That's why my doctor told me the IGG levels are confusing because on one hand - the virus can be active and your immune system might not be functioning at it's max capacity to keep it contained but on the other hand the virus just might not be active and your body doesn't need to be fighting it. That's why she told me the best measure is seeing if you have outbreaks.
  22. Hey, darling. First of all, through my research and asking the many doctors I have working with me - HSV1 is not as severe as HSV2. Also, I know the stuff you can see online is SCARY so when you see people who have it all over their face / arms / etc it freaks you out. It is highly uncommon. I have severe anxiety. I worry about these things, too. I call my doctors all the time (they're basically on speed dial). I am TERRIFIED of spreading it to my toddler. My doctors all told me unless I molest him he will not get it. I still have these "what if" moments ALL THE TIME. Two weeks ago my son had a rash on his diaper line. I freaked. I called his doctor, sent her a picture, and even took him in to see her. She assured me it was a typical rash. It would not go away. It ended up being a fungal rash so when I used Lotrimin it went away the next day. I could not sleep or relax until I knew he was okay. Listen, this stuff totally sucks. Talk to your doctors so you will feel better. It relieves a lot of my anxiety when I have it.
  23. Hey! I recently spoke to an MD about this. I am getting my blood work done soon after my next 10-pass session of ozone therapy. I will have completed 30 sessions. My doctor, who is performing my ozone, owned her own OBGYN practice for 30 years. She told me the igg levels don't mean a lot in terms of how your body is fighting off the virus. She said she has seen very high levels from people with no outbreaks and very low levels from people with consistent outbreaks. It is hard to sort through all of this. Also, because I am told if you go below 0.9 it means you are negative for the virus. I did ask my local OBGYN, my MD, and my naturopath if we can get my viral load so low through diet, exercise, supplements, and ozone that it is untraceable in the system and I was told it is possible.
  24. @Loyalloulou I have been there and sometimes I am still in that place. I am angry at my son's father for knowingly passing this to me. I am angry at myself for trusting someone else who didn't have basic respect for my body. I am sad that I no longer feel comfortable in my own skin. I am sad that I did not realize how lucky I was to be H free when I was. I never thought this would happen to me. I am literally bagging my clothes every night before I throw them down the shoot, bleaching my towels after every use, washing my clothes separately from my child's, and sanitizing my hands so many times a day that my skin hurts. But every day I cry a little less, I educate myself a little more, and I reach out to people who I can trust. I reached out to my girlfriend and told her what was going on with me.. and she ended up only caring that my son's father knowingly gave it to me and then rattled off a long list of other people who she knows have it & how it's really not that big of a deal. Do I still feel it's not? No. But I will get there one day.. I hope. I am doing ozone therapy, eating a gluten-free, organic, all natural diet, and taking a lot of immune boosting & antiviral supplements. I am seeing an MD who does my ozone who had her own OBGYN practice for 30 years, my OBGYN in town is monitoring my blood work, my general physician said she will give me antivirals if I ever need them, and I am seeing a therapist to work through the mental piece. So far I have only had one very mild OB. I am kind of a health freak so having this blow to my system has been ROUGH for me. On top of that, I'm a germaphobe. Every day I am telling myself I am doing everything I can to make it better. I am trying not to beat myself up for trusting someone I shouldn't have. I am learning to love myself again. It's not easy, some days I take 3 steps back, then the next day I take one step forward.. but one day.. I'll be okay and you will be, too. In the meantime, I'm here. I understand. We are all here for you.
  25. I think you have a great attitude. I was given H by my son's father. He knew he had it and did not disclose it to me. I understand how someone would not want to risk contracting it. I am having a VERY hard time loving myself and my body after contracting it. I would never want someone else to feel that way about their body. However, I know in time I will find someone who loves me and will not use this piece of me against me. I know you will, too.
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