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Posts posted by Michgirl73

  1. 3 hours ago, Stupida said:

    @Michgirl73 wow, how long were you on them for? How long have you been off of them?

    I have herpes both ohsv2 and ghsv2 but haven’t been on antivirals. Been losing my hair and it’s hasn’t stopped! All tests came back normal. I’m worried that it will be permanent. I’m very upset more so about the hair than hsv.

    I was only on them 3 months and noticed the side effects were getting bad. I have only been off them a week. I have Ghsv1 dx at the end of July 2018 which is supposed to be the milder one.. so I’m hoping I can remain off them and working boosting my immune system and taking supplements to help. Read up on the drug us causes all kinds of issues and if I can remain off I will. The outbreaks are supposed to get lesser in time anyways. I hate this virus!! 😢

  2. @Aries I ended up getting BV after my first outbreak.. I’m not sure if this is what happens to a lot of woman but I ended up with it and had to do 2 doses of medication to get rid of it. I think sore can make the bacteria come in and cause it. I’m on a probiotic trying to get the ph better so it don’t cause it because it’s a lot to do with the ph as well. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Stupida said:

    @Michgirl73 @Jemjem how much hair did you lose while on antivirals? Is it diffuse hair thinning or specific spots? Are you off the antivirls? 

    I was losing hair in handfuls everyday it was thinning out. The medication side effects causes alopecia and can cause permanent hair loss. I’m off antivirals now.. I’m using more of a holistic approach now. Taking supplements verses the Valtrex. I actually feel a lot better as well, the medication causes me to be fatigued as well. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Jemjem said:

    Wow my hair has been falling out, have no energy and thought my sneezing was hay fever never even thought to attribute it to the anti virals now I’m worried! 😭

    I did some research on it and I was taking Valtrex and I think the other ones do it too. I’m looking into ozone therapy as well. I got a ton of supplements and they are going well but man I got a lot I’m taking which some times can be bothersome. I’m just pushing through it. Got get on alkaline diet and switch water to alkaline as well. There so much to know and learn from this it’s exhausting because I want make sure I’m doing the necessary things to get my body healthy and to beat this and to be healthier 

    • Like 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Jemjem said:

    Also @Michgirl73 do you mind mentioning what side effects from the anti virals you got? 

    No I don’t mind. I’m dealing with headaches everyday  and hair loss and I was getting a sore throat and sneezing everyday. I also felt fatigued very low energy . My side effects wasn’t to bad until I started my second month and could tell my workouts were harder and harder just to get through. It was like I loss my energy. I stopped taking the antivirals and noticed the side effects are subsiding now. Of course I’m nervous about this because it’s like a waiting game to see if I get outbreaks or not. I’m trying holistic approach plus it’s helping my over all health as well. 

  6. I agree it’s easy to say hard to do @Vibes90 but we have to try to focus more on moving forward and feeling better about this. You don’t know how many times I thought I’m better off dead because of this virus and what my ex has put me through. I can’t cope somedays. I have family and friends that know but they think this virus is nothing that it’s no big deal. So in the end I’m alone trying to move forward and try to research on getting better on trying to beat this thing. I would never in my life wish this virus on my worse enemy. Most of us that got this virus was from someone that was to scared to speak up and acknowledge they have this stuff to save us from this horrible virus. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, lost&confused said:

    Thank you for the words I really appreciate it

    You welcome.. this is the toughest road I have ever had to walk and mostly alone. I have only told a few closest ppl of this because of the shame around it. Try to do your normal day to day stuff before this happened. I know it’s hard but sometimes it makes u forget just for a bit and gives you heart and head a break from thinking so much about this. And please stay strong you are more then this virus.

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  8. I feel the same way. My giver begged for me back because we had broken up and wasn’t together for over a year and came back pleading his love for me and told me he could never let me go.. he knew he had it and we had sex he said nothing to me.. I became infected he said he was sorry and that we would work through it together.. then he drops me 3 weeks later and went back to his ex’s girlfriend I was left  trying to pick myself back up and now I got this crap. Dating before was extremely hard and now I can imagine.. I guess only gods will allow me to meet someone to accept me with this crap. I’m trying ways to heal myself.. I go to therapy and I’m depressed but I’m trying like hell to pull myself up and hope there is a good man out there that will love me no matter what. I’m just trying to stay healthy and beat this virus.

  9. 6 hours ago, Jessec122 said:


    I recently had intercourse with a new girl recently and haven’t been feeling the same since then. Days after seeing the girl I started going to the gym again. I noticed the first week irration when my penis was rubbing my underwear, when I was riding the bikes. 

    I thought it was normal so I went another week before I saw a doctor. He looked me over and said it was nothing and I was just iterating myself.

    Then I wait 21 days after the date of intercourse and actually got tested for everything because my penis was red and itchy. All my test came back clear, including herpes igg and igm. 

    Now it’s been 8 full weeks since intercourse, and 2 more doctors (dermatologist and urologist) I saw still say it’s nothing to worry about and it does not look like herpes. But I still see no sign of it stopping yet. It’s been about 7 weeks of being irrated. I don’t think if this is herpes that the first outbreak typically would last this long, so I’m hoping it actually is something else. 

    I really just want input on my situation. And no it’s just red and irritated with no open sores or pains. And yes around 12+ weeks I will get retested. 


    Look at seeing if you are dealing with a over growth of yeast candida .. sometime are skin can do this. There are ways to clear out the yeast in our bodies. 

  10. I started taking oil of oregano and I take 2000mg of lysine and 2000mg vitamin c, 250 mg magnesium, 400 mg vitamin e, I take 2000 mg of b12, I take St. John’s wort, Curmin and turmeric. I went off suppressive therapy because of the side egg of the meds.. I’m looking into taking collolided silver and now also looking in ozone therapy.

  11. I take 2000 msg of lysine, 1000 msgs of vitamin c , 50 mg zinc, I take vitamin e 400 msgs, I take b12 2000 msg, I take a multivitamin, I take 250 magnesium. I take St. John’s wort, I take curmin and turmeric. I just bought some wild oregano I’m gna start that tomorrow.. I’m gna get some colloidal silver because I hear some really good stuff about that. 

  12. Well look into the homeopathic route. I am, getting off suppressive therapy that medicine makes me feel fatigued and worse. Look up Montreal healthy girl on YouTube she had a video about using collided silver, oil of oregano and neems powder.. plus trying to chyyour diet to a more of a raw diet or alkaline diet. I have Ghsv1 which I know is different but see if this can be helpful. I hope you feel better soon. 

  13. On 9/6/2018 at 10:31 AM, Next step said:

    Im concerned because at 44 I feel like I'm on the wrong side of hope here. I'm already struggling with dating at this age ( never had the chance to experience marriage or kids ) and have only had fleeting little encounters for the last many years . I'm cautious with protection  too and feel like I have been unfairly given a burden to carry with this . I honestly don't know how I will go about finding something meaningful with this thrown into the already difficult mix of trying to find love at my age.

    I am like you I’m 45 I did have kids, but was hit with list 3 mths ago and I think dating was extremely hard before and it can only imagine it’s going to be harder now with this crap. 

  14. 6 hours ago, organicmama said:

    Hey, everyone! I haven't been on here for a little while because I am trying not to think about my diagnosis too much. However, I wanted to shine a little light on your day. I am seeing someone for the first time since being diagnosed. I have been going on dates with him for about a month or so. I really like him and can see myself being with him. I finally decided to tell him about my diagnosis. I want to mention (2) things that I think are really important. (1) Before I told him I wanted him to get to know ME. I didn't want to disclose right off the bat because all they know about you is that you have a virus.. that's not a good start. (2) I wanted to get to know HIM. I wanted to know if I would be interested enough to become sexual with him in the future so I could see if it was worth sharing my personal information. I also wanted to know if he is someone I could trust with that information.

    I could not take it anymore so I decided to go ahead and disclose to him. I was honest, told him how I got it, told him some facts about HSV (85% of people our age carry the antibodies, 87% of people don't know they have it because they're asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms) and that I am not having recurrent symptoms, but he can still get it from me. I told him the supplements I take to combat it, how I did a lot of ozone therapy and UVB therapy, and that I do not take antivirals. I told him I could become symptomatic in the future. I am unsure at this point. I asked him if he had any questions for me. He asked me if I got it before I had my son (no) and he asked me if I knew who my ex contracted it from (no). **Be knowledgable about the virus so if they have questions for you - you can answer them.** He told me this was not a deal breaker at all. He appreciated my honesty and wants to continue to see me. He said he likes me for who I am. He said I'm a great mom, I have my life together, and that I didn't do anything wrong. I was with a man who wasn't loyal to me. He said he wouldn't fault me for that.

    A couple months ago I would cry every single day because I thought no one would ever want to be with me because of this.. I want you to know people are out there who will look passed your diagnosis. People ask this question a lot on here so I want to say this - No, I did not have to date down. In fact, this man is a lot better than probably any man I have ever dated. He is smart, handsome, kind, and succesful. I am telling you this virus is a blessing in disguise. You will really know who likes you for YOU. If you are feeling sad or alone.. know it's not the end of the world. Know it's not the end of your dating life. You will find someone if you want to find them.. or they will find you! Be well, friends.

    Nice story, glad to hear that it’s possible to meet someone and they can be accepting. How did the Ozone and UVB therapy work for you?

  15. 49 minutes ago, TequilaGirl said:

    @Michgirl73 did your partner had an active outbreak or did he perform oral sex? I'm curious about if it's possible to contract ghsv1 genital to genital.

    My partner had a active outbreak of a small sore that I didn’t see.. and he didn’t tell me when we had sex it pulled the scab off which caused me to get infected. It was gential to gential, it’s supposed to be rare to get this way my ex actually had a very small sore.. how unlucky am I .😢

  16. Are you trying to rake any supplements to help? Lysine is supposed to help and taking vitamins to help your immune system. I take handful of supplements everyday now. I’m coming off the antivirals because they are causing me issues as well. What type do you have? How long have you been infected? It’s supposed to get better in time. But I can completely understand how this makes you feel.

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