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Posts posted by seeker

  1. @ forgiveness


    oh yeaaa. I like to say when talking with a new person, if all those ugly people at Walmart can find someone, then why not all us hot, sexy beasts with H?

    to get a sexually transmitted infection you have to be sexually desirable yes?


    now do a silly dance with the old guy at the party.

  2. hey there helz. I agree with dancer. its your choice and you need to think it through. I would love to tell my mom cause lets face it no one makes you feel like mom does but she has depression and anything that befalls myself or my sister hits her 10x as hard as us. I cant live with that at the moment, yes id like the attaboys and could use the financial help on occasion ( freakin no insurance) but for me its not worth it to "hurt" my mom, yes she would support and love me, of that ive no doubt. other family ive debated, I don't see as much but have thought about it. I have a cousin who is a lesbian and is out. ive thought of talking with her about it and "coming out" to the family. I love her and her partner dearly and even tho she is almost 1/2 my age ( holy crap I got old!!!) I still know that took huge courage and admire her for it. even if my family is a bunch of pseudo progressive rednecks who would have loved her anyway cause if your one of us then F the world. damn I started tearing up writing that. im getting sensitive in my old age.

  3. @ dancer, and you don't know what that's like as a man. we have exactly 2 reasons for being there, vasectomy and STDs. worse yet, some hot women come in, awkward sauce.


    after doing some sane research on the web im a little concerned with it crystalizing in the kidney cause that is exactly what a stone is and im prone to stones. something like every stone you have gives you a 20% chance of another and im on number 10 so, eek I say eeek. ive not taken any today as of yet. in full disclosure, had a couple beers so not real concerned about any possible pain, lol. like the first time I went to the emergency room with a stone and they gave me Demerol, suddenly I was fine with the stone, now those fluorescent lights.............

  4. @ dancer, wasn't holding breath, just a random thought.

    not a big fan of hand sanitizers either, I tend to be less worried about the germs than WHAT ive got on my hands.

    @ newlook, again just a random thought since its in the news soooooooooooooo freakin much lately.


    @ forgiveness, ive heard that soap is rather nasty to herpes, as is pretty much everything outside a certain neural ganglion. one thing about old school cleaners, hard to build up an immunity. like building up an immunity to a bullet, doesn't work well.

  5. @ dancer, ok this is something ive been curious about since learning my status. so, if a cure were ever to be found, a person would eventually test with an igg test as negative cause the antibodies would be gone? I thought our bodies keep a "blueprint" around for similar diseases? ie. we catch one strain of flu and our bodies use those antibodies as a starting point for the next strain of flu.


    I was wondering about it in the whole how the hell would they even accidentally find a cure thing, what with OBs being random and such.

  6. so wait, as an AB+ person I have a lower immune response? that's odd cause when a nurse friend of mine heard my "score" she said either ive had this a lot longer than a year or have a massive immune system to get to 6.4 in less than a year. I don't really get sick a lot. no more than others. frak, id thought it was cool to be in a class by ourselves.

  7. so ebola is apparently going to kill us all ( if isis doesn't first) and I was wondering, since it is a virus and all viruses cant replicate on their own, will the research into dealing with ebola help with herpes, and possibly other viruses?


    second, we finally got the enterovirus here in central florida and the news reported something I found funny. hand sanitizers don't work on this stuff!! yet good old soap and water do, lol. old school for the win.

  8. yea ive heard that Valtrex is more expensive but there is a generic now. took a pill last night with dinner and no discomfort. a little gun shy about trying one in the morning since im not a big breakfast guy. I was also taking my vitamins and lysine at the same time, sometimes an Echinacea/goldenseal supplement also. it seems odd that I took 1 pill a day for 4 days and 2 pills for 1 day then 3 for 2 days before anything happened and now it seems to be dependent on food intake. I may try one after lunch. a little confused right now.


    the doctor said 1 pill a day for suppressive but the script read 3 a day and the script she gave me for episodic reads 1 a day for 5 days w symptoms. PP in Pinellas is very busy so im not sure if ill be able to call and talk to doctor and I don't have the time between now and tues of next week to spend 4 hours there AFTER my appointment time.

  9. im going with the tea tree oil at the moment, I was using it liberally and it showed up on Friday, stopped over the weekend and was using aloe and it seemed to be getting better but a new bump showed up and I used the oil again and this happened 2 days later. ive got some cortisone cream with all kinds of moisturizers in it and im going to go with it for a couple days, I read that eczema or psoriasis or overly dried skin will react in about 2 days, something fungal not at all. there is something unsettling about looking at your favorite body part and finding something odd happening.


    @ adrail, ive had other bumps looked at before, the doctor kind of explained warts to me and these look like mini pimples without the redness and go away in a few days usually. that's what ive always gotten there since first OB. ive only had a couple "official looking blisters" sometimes they itch so bad I want to cauterize the damned things but have always managed to hold back somehow ( placement maybe?)


    @ dancer, the antibacterial was this morning only and it was what I could find that might help and cause little harm. generic triple antibiotic. it actually looked better this evening, not perfect like it was before :)


    @ newlook, what would blood type have to do with healing times of OBs? im also AB+, third rarest type and universal recipient. hmm, herpes wouldn't stop a person from giving blood would it? I use to all the time but haven't for a while.

  10. @ dancer, I was wondering what was going on with the dosage myself. I would have thought the higher was for episodic, to bust the virus in the chops and a lower for ongoing. I didn't take any today and no "pain" I took one right after dinner and its been @ 45 minutes and notta, it may be the food thing. also pain isn't in lower back but lower front, about 2 inches toward bladder from pelvic bone. and its more discomfort than pain. I am going to try to call on Friday as I need to figure out what the dosage is and if they have Valtrex and to get more of whatever. if suppresives turned out to be 1 a day id be fine with after dinner.


    @ willow, I try to drink plenty of water anyway and with the weather cooling off down here I will find myself peeing a lot because of not sweating as much. I always took the meds in the morning with at least 2 glasses of water, discomfort started within an hour anjd lasted till @ 2 id say ( taking med at @ 6 am).


    back @ dancer, bleeding?? you do know im in construction yes? not a day goes by I don't whack myself somehow and spring a leak. and I wish I had lessened appetite, packing on the winter fat lately.

  11. OK, I started taking antivirals last week. 1x a day then went to 2 then 3 for 2 days when I noticed some discomfort in my side. about half way down between my kidney and my bladder, actually about 2 inches down from where pelvic bone is. I had this pain Monday after I took my morning pill, maybe 1 hour after. I took 1 at lunch, pain seemed to go away @ 6pm, I didn't take a pill Monday night. Tuesday I take a pill in am and an hour later, discomfort. it went away about 2 pm, I took another later in the evening, say 9pmish after having a good size snack and no pain. what the hell? I was planning on going suppressive as ive been having a lot of stress and such and have been having ongoing OBs for about a month now it seems and just wanted to have some time to adjust. I swear ive had more herpes related crap since getting my diagnosis than in the previous 11 months I believe ive had it. im on acyclovir now, not sure if my local planned parenthood does Valtrex which I took for "mono" and saw no discomfort. oh, its Wednesday morning, I took a pill last night and no pain last night nor this am, not sure if I want to take one right now and work all day with low level pain in my side, just enough to make you grumpy after a bit.


    could it be the food? I don't have breakfast and I was taking it right after my coffee but with a couple glasses of water.

    it didn't happen till several days on them also, and last time I took them I had side discomfort but also had a kidney stone im pretty sure. ( something made its way out very painfully).


    anyone else have this side effect or is it just me or the way im taking the meds?

  12. ok, ladies I know your reading this and that's ok but im asking about a body part you don't have, lol. I get OB bumps right at the base of my penis but on my scrotum. ive had an OB going on for a week or so. I used peroxide and tea tree oil then went to aloe for a few days. on Friday I noticed it looked like I was sloughing off skin as it was white and kind of crusty looking. showering helped but it stayed around. now the skin is bumpy and tough in the area where the OB occurred, not supple and soft like the skin normally feels. I had been using tea tree oil almost continuously save 2 days of aloe (fresh plant not gel, I started sneezing a lot on the second day of aloe so I stopped. the white was there before aloe). I have stopped with the tea tree oil at the moment, went to an antibacterial ointment in case this is some secondary issue but wanted something that might keep the skin supple.


    So I guess my question is, does anyone have or have had this happen? this is a first for me but ive had the worst OB for bumps ive ever had, there has been mainly 1 -4 small ones coming on and going fairly uneventfully.


    oh im also taking antivirals, was doing episodic went to suppressive but am tapering off because I may be experiencing side pain from them, not sure yet.

  13. @ dancer, so I have yet another reason to hate my razor. I only started shaving down there as a lark to my exwife ( while we were married) but she liked it so much and showed her appreciation that it became common practice after that ( who says men cant learn, just need the right motivator). a nice full 70s manfro down there and I might not have got H? well fudge! live by the sword........

  14. ok, im confused. ended long relationship in December, tested neg in feb ( was this the igm?) then pos in august. that about sums it up? if so, given the @ 4 month latency period your looking at a minimum of sometime in april as transmission, maybe may at the latest.


    I thought igm gave more false positives because it couldn't differentiate between the types of herpes antibodies. ( and there are over 120 fairly common viruses in the herpes family).


    it could have been you didn't have the antibodies in feb ( dates would be needed, ie late dec breakup, early feb test is only 2 months). someones nose is growing imho.

  15. after every shower I spray the area down and let it sit while I dry off the rest of me. then I take a washcloth to pat off the peroxide. if you have the time and patience to let it dry or do the blow dryer thing go for it. be forewarned tho, peroxide bubbles for lots of things so its not only or even the virus but it is fun to think it is. oh and it can be cold. a 1$ spray bottle and a $ bottle of peroxide go a long way. I also use tea tree oil and sometimes aloe, thou im in florida and everyone has aloe growing in their yard I can borrow.

  16. personally I like how peroxide bubbles. I know its ripping the virus a new one and I just do my evil guy laugh while stroking a cat, bwahahahaa.


    seriously look up how peroxide works, its like wmds on germs and viruses.


    I may try the alum stuff tho cause having the bumps go away quickly seems to me to help with the stress of having sores.

  17. @ willow, Canadian redneck girl??? dang you tell that BF of yours there is a really hot older dude in the wings if he don't treat you right.


    the world is the way it is because men are stupid and women are insane.

    women are insanity in pretty packaging.

  18. well ive been on the antivirals for almost a week but only at a suppressive level (3x a day) for about 4 days. I need to call to get another rx as this one was for episodic. my Ob was going away with some odd things happening. it looked on Friday as though I was sloughing off skin from my left testicle. white and scaly looking, kind of freaked me out. It has gone away and only 1 bump remains but it seems to have appeared as of sunday. I am also as of today experiencing some odd side discomfort in my left side. between kidney and bladder. not sure if this is related. this bothers me because if I cant do suppressive due to whatever now, how would I do it if I ever get into a relationship? and yes, ive been absent from the forum. weekend with my kid and a weekend without herpes.

  19. I was just pondering odd things the other day. I noticed that my OBs tend to be on my left testicle and the bumps are rather small, so small that it this were the 70s they wouldn't be noticed. It got me to thinking about our grooming habits today and if they could be helping to spread herpes. Almost everyone shaves down below nowdays and that in itself causes nicks but also a day or two later there is stubble and it can be irritating also. While no fan of the southern jungle I wonder if we traded ascetics and a loss of habitat for crotch critters (pubic lice are on the decline in north America due to deforestation of their biosphere) for a higher chance a obtaining herpes. Discuss.

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