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Posts posted by seeker

  1. Ok, I don't know who to begin with, wait yes I do.


    @ inka, 50+!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 on my NEXT birthday, and one day little lady you will start to dislike sweaty dumbasses with their hats on sideways who all speak as though they were raised in the "hood" and sit in the car while YOU fill up the gas. ( that one burns me up, seeing a man sitting in the car while a woman pumps gas. guys I don't care if she is your sister, cousin, mom,{ if she is your mom your doubly worthless} auntie or girlfriend, get your lazy ass out of the car and pump the gas for her. especially if she is driving. I know handicapped guys who will do it.)


    @ neverdanced, not thinking about dating really. im ok with things the way they are. not out on the prowl but if it happens, it happens.


    thanks everyone else, especially for not clawing my eyes out. I guess it just seems from reading on here that most of the women always seem to have a significant other or have a new one on the horizon and im not sure how much that has to do with the culture we live in and men being the predominant instigator.


    I will add, perhaps if women weren't so unreadable and hot/cold more Canadian men ( and US men also) wouldn't be so timid?? well and if the media didn't run stories where saying hello to a woman constitutes harassment ( unless he is a doctor or lawyer then its a dreamboat saying hi)

  2. H+ dad here and I can feel for ya, I feel like a big walking virus sometimes. mine came to me tonight and said something was going on with his lip and my heart skipped a beat. and I don't have H1 im H2 in the southern regions so I was for about 1/10 a second freaked then I realized; A. he couldn't have gotten my H2 and B. if he had H1 it wasn't from me because I don't have it and C. he is a kid and all kinds of weird things happen to them, his arm is covered in cuts from being a 12 y/o boy.

  3. I know that this site is predominantly female so the stories I read are skewed ( for lack of a better word) that way. ive noticed that the ladies on here almost always have some significant other or SO wannnabe in the wings. given that in our society most male/female interactions are begun by the male ( internet not counting, you absolutely don't risk anything asking someone out over the internet, like dropping bombs from above you are securely away from the fray) and we males have so much to overcome already before asking someone out, then add herpes to the mix. I was wondering if its easier on the women who have herpes. I know passively sitting there sending signals and hoping we read them correctly isn't easy ( sorry but you all brought this on yourselves you know) but try being the one who "has" to do the asking. ive been rejected in church, yes church cause she " didn't want to mix church with that sort of thing, you know, like work" WTF? ( this was some time ago and it still makes me gun shy) so, am I reading this wrong? is the anecdotal evidence wrong because this site is primarily female? are the women with herpes especially desirable? please don't claw me to death.

  4. meant to respond but have been busy with non herpes related things, yay.


    Back story, I had some bumps on my inner thigh real close to my special place. I was worried they might have been warts, tried the vinegar thing and notta. went to Planned Parenthood and the doc took one look, up close too and said, nope. hardened cysts. only coming off with nitro or knife. I did it myself. several months later the little bastards are back. I ignore cause they are rock hard and I don't feel like cutting myself at the moment. well one turned red and angry, blew up and popped! I don't know if I auto inoculated the cyst, if herpes found a new outlet or if I just rubbed it the wrong way. the other was fine then it turned red but never popped and is seeming to disappear. I put tea tree oil on it daily ( not as much, nor as wide spread as I used to AND with a qtip ). oh and the one that popped still has a red splotch there and its been weeks. no known herpes bumps I get do that. I know this may not help. I treat anything in the boxer area like its H as far as treatment and hygiene just as a precaution. but then I don't have a significant other who is chasing me around, or vice versa.

  5. wasn't counting on a cure at all. and this isn't a cure anyway. one 400mg pill a week for that much reduction of OBs and shedding would be fantastic. I was just doing some reading and came across this, not even sure how at the moment. it started with westover heights and their studies and went from there. the phase 2 trials were finished in 2011 and 2 years later the FDA puts the kibosh on it cause monkeys show toxicity at 75mg a kilo of body weight??? who would take that much of anything???

  6. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/819306


    Our Fukn Dumb Asses put the phase 2 trials on hold because monkeys got toxicity at 900x the dose??? guess what, water will kill you at a high enough "dose", its called drowning you ignorant jackasses. reading this pissed me off so much. why do I see big pharmas lobbying behind this?? whens the paten on the current antivirals run out?


    I think I have rabies now because im foaming at the mouth.

  7. well. im not getting anything with the pills now. go figure. and PP is only the cost of the meds, so 24$ for a suppressive RX, dr visit thrown in. im still not sure what the heck the rx is for. I reread the bottle today and hear it is 2 scripts plus she said suppressive is 1 a day. take 1 a day for 5 days with symptoms, 1 pill 3x a day for episodic. wth?? I was originally gonna do suppressive when I called but changed to episodic. they also made it sound like I was getting sup at the epi cost. I need to reorder, was trying today but got interrupted at lunch. ordering herpes meds over the phone isn't something im inclinded to do with other around.

  8. hey, you come home to find your lower buddies with white peeling

    porcupine" skin and NOT freak out a little.

    seriously, there is a disease that kills goldfish, makes their scales stand on end ( called dropsy), that's what I saw down there. I almost ran out the door and around the block screaming but my lack of pants at the time stopped me.

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