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Everything posted by Getbetter111

  1. Yeah sorry start writing to fast! Yes I have been taking salt bath but not able to this week at in laws only have a shower.have not tried the L-lysine do you take that daily pill form? Ok to take with antiviral?This morning I shaved and looks like somehow I have passed it to my mouth? Think it was "seeker" no I didn't no my wife had cold sores as a kid H1.Her, me or anyone I know had any idea you could pass by oral! Still thinking I have given to her by my actions and being around her loving family that took to me like there own is killing me. Now if I have on my mouth it will be much more easy to pass to lil girl. She is grabbing at my face all the time.Cant kiss my own daughter,I have washed my hand all the time there dried out .Thanks for all your words I am taking everything in just being overwhelmed by it all at one time!
  2. Yes if I only have h1 got tested soon after expected expo.I gave to my life partner only one time having sex when didn't think it was anything and was told the same first doc visit. Seems to pass the same and for sure of any sign of ob. I wish that wasn't the case. I really pissed that we can't go down on one another as was very common before this worrying about getting on are face and then to the baby.This has got in are life like a f-ing wall. What have you guys done about oral? When there no sign you just don't worry bout it . Yeah right! No sex in fear of making more spots show up and my wife lil blisters are not changing is taking more than its toll.
  3. I hope so soon this has been real pain. From not being able to pee and all other problems it has caused I don't hear to many people saying they are in as much pain as me? I have herd a few say fever and sick feeling I'm past that now just feeling constant irritation like what a uti would feel like? Never had one so not sure how they feel or how I would of got one? If I couldn't feel anything I think I could forget about it. I hope some relief is coming soon. Guess I'm going to start 2nd scrip of antiviral now. Don't want to but what choice do I have?
  4. From a hand job where girl might of had on face or hand ?or protected sex?or from oral at some point and just has come out I just don't feel that is case. Have never had any other sign of h1 anywhere else so I'm hoping that's all and not both! Kinda like a constant irritation as soon as I sit in bath just start flowing like normal. Wth is restricting me?
  5. I still can't get my head out of the dump. It's the first thing on my mind when I wake up! Wth does that stop? I'm good at times then it just comes back to me hard mainly in the morning. The constant lil pain is driving me nuts don't know how so many people deal with this.feel like my body is not doing good and will stay feeling like this forever. Feel pain in places I never have.Gave it to my wife and can't live with that guilt. 99 % of story's I hear the people have there first ob after exposer same time frame as me.i was high pos for h1 after two weeks saying older infection?but I still fear it will be pos H2 when I re test.really can't take that. My marriage will be over with wife thinking she could of possibly given it to me by oral I just know in my heart that was not how this started.thinking of this 24 7 I can't put mind and body where it needs to be with wife and 1st child worst timing in the world to happen . Wcd dancer you think it could be a UTI with my on going pain? how can I find out?Bout to go out of town and can't go to doc.getting more antiviral today can i ask pharmacy to try and clear that without seeing doc?
  6. I talked with the company about gen-003 she said all goes good should be available in 2016? Will see!!
  7. Yes this is my first and I hope last going on for over a month.as of now it's h1 they say less often for some. . ?
  8. Where I had my ob right on my penis head is looks reddish and kinda sore.seems to almost cover the top when I look on the side of skin looks normal almost like I rubbed lil raw but have done nothing to do that?really to me feels like another one wants to just bust out but isn't. That's why it is sensitive and red?has anyone had same experience?Got another scrip filled. How many people have hair fall out from to much antiviral? Also is this why I'm not hanging normal do any guys that read this have same problem. I couldn't see any of my pains hanging around when there are u guys that say u can live happy normal life. Not happy or normal as of now? it did help to work today till I had to try and pee. still not flowing normal plus the size and redness was really getting to me. Want my life back? If it was just a spot I could deal with it. mine has been much more! Thanks for all the feedback.
  9. I'm still thinking it could be h 2 somehow after hearing that 80 % of us already have h1 in us by my age 30. I have never had a cold sore I know that doesn't mean that I have not had it but never chicken pocks or any other sign.i thought I seen it is very rare to pass from genital to genital especially if I got it from my wife orally with no signs wouldn't she of been safe from h1G having cold sores as a kid ? She gave me oral that night nothing showed up on mouth,but two or three lil blisters a week or so later and have not changed at all. There was a very small red spot on my head that night didn't think it was anything and was told the same my first visit.wife will not go to doc and open blister I don't blame her now knowing you can auto yourself " make more spots" and most likely be in pain after. "Long Drive" I want to try and make Christmas great are girls first and we will be with lots of family.Have any of you ladies just left them alone and didn't break open? His long was healing time for you? I will go after holiday and run blood two months should be good?
  10. As everybody has to. I have been at home over a month with baby but have to work in the am dealing with people all day. I feel like my boss will be able to tell something is up with me.as we are good friends. Won't be telling him now or anytime soon.He text me the other day to ask if i was still alive!! Have not even went down there almost 2 months. I know it will be good for me to get out job is very hard work I hope my body can take it.Its more of a mental thing at moment how do all of you hold it together at work in the beginning? The only other ? I have is for anyone that might know. With all the the tingling down there I feel like my penis isn't hanging right? Like just got out of cold water I'm hoping it's just my nerves? Constant tingling should I get scrip filled again?
  11. We went to dinner as we walked in she said I feel like I could get sick! I am still trying to come around that is last thing we need. She has had her sores for week or two but has felt nothing. Has anyone had there symptoms come on like that just feel sick all of sudden? Maybe just needed some food she is laying down now. What are moms to do when they feel that bad and are breast feeding??little one will not eat formula.
  12. What did he say? Is he just using it on skin or does he drink it. I have seen a lot on it but have red horrible story's where they Break out in Random places they never have.some say that is virus trying to get out wherever it can? Let me know thanks!
  13. Thanks for all your time and advice. I will do my best to try and pull myself up don't think i can go any lower.my mind is def running the show as of now I try and fight it .but not doing so great. It is all things that add up to how I feel thinking back to how I would act before this getting mad over lil shit I would stress over nothing so this has hit me real hard.seeing how great my life is. I have the happiest lil girl don't have to do much to make her smile I just want my joy back that used to bring me.
  14. Yes it is hard when I'm stuck at home and can't stop thinking. It does help when I do other things but to be stay home dad a deal with this has been the worst thing I have done. I got out some yesterday helped some but back to same this morning. I think of what I'm grateful for "family"then the feeling of I screwed it all up is there to back that up.try and not pick up phone and come on here but feel I'm getting something out ?
  15. Thanks, that's why I'm so worried about her getting somehow oral and spread to her eyes she is rubbing her face and eyes when she gets tired.i seen on a blog think here where someone got it as a baby when they were being changed. Now wife and I have it she has more of a chance.I'm doing everything. but still feel I'm going to pass it this is the worst feeling on earth thinking your going to give your child something you can't fix. I was very outgoing person full of life I just want that feeling back? For my family
  16. Great not what I wanted to hear about tingles.as far as look is same feel small like its hiding not cool.just doesn't feel right maybe from nerves.i know I will live and much more worse things in life. Just doesn't seem to be worth it if your not happy and feel your going to bring others down with bad mood 24/7 ?
  17. Does this last or go away I'm getting tingles in my balls everyday plus my penis feels not right does not look or feel the same.has this happened to anyone else. This is also a big part of why I'm dealing so hard when I wake up in the morning I just don't feel normal and from that my days have been dark for over a month.if I could just feel ok I think I could forget about it?
  18. I have had a small looking blister that didn't look anything like spots I had on my penis now I have lil red spot that looked like lil zit head on inner leg.Think it was the way I sleep I seen one pic where guy had on both sides of his inner leg. Is this common or am I just freaking out every lil spot I see now I think it is h so scared of spreading it to my eyes.my lil girl most fear of all if we have to wash are hands and can spread so easy on us? How is she safe from this. Not sure how much more my mind can take.
  19. Thanks hers seem to have gotten smaller or not changing much . don't think she is going to go wish she would because I do not want her in pain. She said she wouldn't of known they were there if she hadn't been looking for something . Mind came up first only one time of having sex when I didn't think it was anything and was told that it was nothing first visit and she gets it? She is thinking she gave it to me from oral never seen her with cold sore but she got them as a kid ?or have had it long time from blood work was a pos 5. Shouldn't she of had some protection from H 1 in genitals if she already had it "cold sores " maybe why she has no other symptoms.
  20. I see where Mr. H was saying its nothing more than a bump. My body is having pain I have never had all over plus the peeing still not back to normal after month? I know I have been told it's my body dealing with virus. For most of you that had a bad painful first ob was that the worst? Or do you still get all the other pain that comes with it and the not being able to pee thing every time? People that have cold sores don't seem to have problem with there face. My hole bottom half of body feels out of wack. As of now that's what I have hsv1 I hope It goes it it's shell and never comes out . My wife will not go to doc she has small blisters that have not opened how long do u think that will take to heal with no meds we need to get it on bad has been over a month and that is pulling us apart we were very active before this?
  21. I am in the same place you are think I'm going to have to talk to someone. All I can think about.I woke up this morning dry heaving like I was when I first found out. Having bad dreams where I have ob all over me like all the pics I looked at trying to see if mine looked the same. Also know I have to watch my lil girl and try and be happy my mind is shot.my wife is now over how I'm acting and I understand. How is this not going to be my first thought when I wake up or for that matter all day this has been going on over a month now my body is feeling it. I don't want to feel like this anymore.
  22. This has been the hardest thing for me.I can take pain.being a good parent is hard enough and I felt I was doing a great job at it. All I want is to be happy again a feel like the same person I was.I know that her being heathy is only thing that matters. First thinking we are going to give it to the baby somehow? Still freaking me out not as much that I have talked with Wcd dancer .now just trying to be the happiest person in the world for what I have, my two girls. My wife that somehow still loves me from all the shit I have done and the prettiest lil girl you have ever seen! I plan on coming out of this a better husband and dad it's just super hard at the moment.I hate it took something like this to open my eyes.my wife keeps reminding me that so many worse things in life and were going to be fine. Women are way stronger than us guys!
  23. I have been reading info saying it's less likely to come back after first OB. Or maybe never?I have been reading some blogs before this and have seen where people wrote they have had a lot of ob none stop from hsv1 .Has anyone out there been dealing with hsv1 genital as a on going problem or was it more of a one a done thing?that I pray for in my case. I was told my nana had same thing happen at 45 and has never seen anything else. Thanks for any info. "I'm trying to move forward only way to go"
  24. I'm going on a month of first OB still feel kinda raw skin where sore was.anyone, do your sores heal completely? How long does that usually take? The only really being able to pee in tub thing is way past old! That is scary as shit not being able to pee right. for me anyways! Hope all gets some what normal soon!
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