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Posts posted by Bambina3

  1. 2.9 is a low positive, I'd ask to be tested again but wait 4 weeks, especially if it's a recent infection

    I am Hsv1 and 2 positive....never had a cold sore, and symptoms for 2 so mild they could and were mistaken for other things....you can't always go by symptoms

  2. I'm so sorry to read this, but please know there are many that are in or have been in your shoes...I was a blood donor and after my hsv2 diagnosis I was afraid to donate anymore for fear of what else might show up. It's very scary.

    Good luck with everything, many great links here. I'm sure once @WCSDancer2010 pops in she will help you with that.


  3. I'll say it again like I have many times...if I wasn't me...and I was not emotionally attached to me, I would run if I was told I could contract hsv2, no matter how many handouts you handed me.

    I think some people disclose too quickly without building up some type of emotional bond...granted I've read where people have casual sex and don't care, but I am in the group that would care, and I can admit it.

    Just give him time if you like him, I don't think people are asses because they walk away from us, unless they do it ignorantly.

    If he sticks around yay it was meant to be

    If not, when one door closes another one ALWAYS opens


  4. You might already know, hsv1 can spread genitally, but hsv2 to spread to oral is so rare it's unheard of.

    Does your partner have hsv1? Then yes, it could spread to you genitally

    Try not to worry, your results will come soon enough

  5. I feel you....I have received nothing but negative feedback from people when I try to discuss hsv2 or they bring it up....it's hard not to feel down when you know you have the disease...I'm still basically in the closet with it...

    Sometimes I wonder if it really changes people's sexual activity or they carry on and ignore their status??? I read knowing does not change people's sexual behavior, it's more of an emotional inpact, so why test?

    None of it makes sense and is hurtful to those of us that know we have this. I know keeping quiet adds to the stigma, but I have kept quiet....it's the only way I know how to deal with it....for now

  6. I do know they strongly advise for disclosure on this site.


    I have to admit, I have had the same thoughts as you, it's the morally correct thing to do, but if the medical community doesn't even test pregnant women in their regular std panel, or down play hsv1 and 2....why should the burden be on us?

    Practice safe sex anyway

    That was my answer from my dr when i wanted a script for the blood work and it mimics the cdc.

    So no one wants to take liability, but the patient???

    Pretty shitty deal we get handed

    Just my opinion

  7. The next thing,I specially asked them to correspond with me via my cell phone, that's it...I wanted nothing sent to my home for fear of exposing my diagnosis

    Well they sent a letter, addressed to me, who is to say someone in my house wouldn't open it, it has no return address name....it was a letter with my diagnosis, and information on h ,

    Does anyone know if that's standard?

    I have to call and complain in am.

  8. Here is a link for you in reference to shedding that might help



    I have been living with hsv2 for almost 30 years, but first and only breakout that I'm aware of was not diagnosed as h, but upon showing my old chart to 3 Drs they all agree it was h.....hsv1, I have no idea how long I've had it.


    So have I passed it on all these years unknowing? Via shedding, or very mild outbreaks that I was unaware of? I don't know, and I'll never know.


    I will never deal with the h disclosure issue, or antivirals, because I don't plan anytime in the new future of going near anyone h negative.

  9. So the doctor called today with my hsv results, I already knew them thanks to the patient portal, positive for hsv 1 and 2.

    She called me at in in opportune time (hubby was right there), I had a hard time explaining that in a round and about way.

    And she seemed kind of cold....said it means I have antibodies to it, that was exposed to it somewhere during my life.

    No education, no how to handle disclosure talk...just basically have s nice day....urgh

  10. I went to a planned parenthood site myself, and was originally given the same speech...I went home without the script.

    Months later I still wanted to know if I had both types...so I went back to see their doctor, and told her I wanted the script to see if I was infected with both, got the same speech, but this time I wasn't leaving without script.

    If he's persistent, they will give it to him.

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