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Posts posted by Bambina3

  1. I received the same lecture when I wanted the blood work, although I requested it originally after my confirmed swab....They didn't want to test due to swab, but Doctor also went on to say she didn't want to do it generally on anyone without symptoms...listening to her was like listening to cdcs reasoning for not testing...recently I did finally have the blood work.

    If he insists, they will give him slip for blood work, I finally said "I want to know if I also have type 1"

    As far as children, I've had 3 chicken naturally, was unaware I had hsv2, and thank God everyone is fine....the doctors will perform a c section if they even suspect a possible ob...so no need to worry about pregnancy.

    I'd aim to get him tested first, and proceed from there

    Good luck

  2. I guess I'm not understanding if you think you have h...why have you not seeked testing? There is bloodwork you can request from your doctor that will tell you if you are positive for type 1 or type 2...

    You should consider that.


  3. I finally got the results of my IgG blood work...it's a shame I didn't get it after the discovery back in August but it is what it is..



    I knew there was a possibility I had 1, i haven't got thru acceptance of 2 yet, never mind throw in 1.

    I've never had a cold sore or symptom.

    I know I've read it's just a skin nuisance, but it's lifelong and incurable std.....some people are scared of it and stds in general.....over the weekend at a gathering with family and friends, stories were shared (started over a yeast infection), one wouldn't let someone use their toilet because of chlamydia, another one didn't want their daughter to hug someone with hiv, another one wouldn't use the restroom with someone with Trich... My insides were sick...I brought up h, they were accepting of 1, I heard the stigma over 2, which I rebutted against...my insides soooo bad Wanted to scream "you are fuc""g talking to someone with an incurable std!!!! But I couldn't, I hope someday, I will be able to

  4. @Thumper

    Number one....I was trying to be nice and help you, but with an attitude like yours, I'd be running for the hills!!

    I have read your posts, including your one thread in "I want what I want"....you are looking...and I can only speak from an emotional not clinical standpoint...Everyone wants to be loved, and I have no doubt underneath this anger you are a very lovable person.

    Our heads are not in our asses, but trust me, if you spoke to me that way in person, the way you did above, yours would be!


    Again, I will bite my tongue and be nice because I completely understand the anger you are feeling, I have felt it too, I still cry and have outbursts. I wish you luck Thumper, and hope you can try and find a smile everyday.



    @Shanshine, thank you

  5. I am married, tried to approach this with my husband who I have not fully disclosed to, and his response was similar about never wanting to be with someone that had h....my middle son, has hsv1, I asked him a similar question, same response.

    it is the stigma, the awful stigma attached to this...and to be honest, part of me doesn't blame them....if I wasnt attached to someone emotionally, I wouldn't take the risk.

    Someday I will have the courage to fully disclose.


    I think it takes time to emotionally bond with someone, before even thinking about disclosing....

    Papers or no papers, it's a life long std we have. I'm easing my husband into it, and if I hear of him having another breakout (Drs mis diagnosed I am sure) I will have no choice to disclose rather than see him suffer with no treatment. He is attached to someone with h.


    I read many success stories of people here, that are h positive going into happy relationships with h negative people....it's inspirational....you should try and read them.


    And I would stop searching for mr right, he will find you ;)


    I have found, the best things in life have happened to me, when I least expected it

  6. She's jaded and sides with the cdc....But she gave me he treatment options and talked to me which is more than I got originally from my obgyn....obgyn said it was common, keep your immune system up, have a nice day (basically)


    I might add none of the doctors ever talked to me about the disclose talk except once, and that was my pcp...she actually advised against it.

  7. Swab is only positive or negative like stated above...swab is how I was diagnosed....same holds true about the bloodwork 2legit stated above.

    My time frame since my positive swab is long over for the blood work, unfortunately, but I've decided to do it anyway to see if I'm also infected with 1.

  8. I can only post to you right now from an emotional point of view, I am continuing to learn about my hsv2 diagnosis...

    Emotionally I can assure you that you are not alone...all the emotional feelings you are having, we have all felt, it's an awful roller coaster.

    They say it gets better, and it does...


    But before jumping to conclusions go get tested, when I was tested he went through a whole list of other things it could be, although he could tell on visual what it was.

  9. And my h saga continues


    I traveled back to std clinic.

    This time room was full, I felt out of place, felt the stigma. Someone close to me got me thru it via text.

    I really like the doctor there, but she clearly sides with the cdc.

    My rash she declared without testing again was folliculitis...

    She informed me I could go another 30 years without another breakout, or subtle and unnoticeable ones.

    I asked for the blood work to see if I have hsv1, added 2 on there just because I asked...I know it's a mute point now, it is just myself being curious...upset me all along since my swab no one wanted to give me slip for labs, I suppose I should of expressed concern about type 1 to get it...I got the order...grrr


    So why does she side with cdc?

    Her lecture on getting the bloodwork...she is completely against it unless someone has obvious signs, even then she knows it will be positive, either then or 4 months from then.

    She said she has been working for this clinic for 27 years. She asks her patients why test?

    We should be practicing safe sax...anyway

    We should be taking care of ourselves anyway

    We should be taking care of our immune systems...anyway

    She tests patients without signs that have come up positive and they call her ask her now what??? She replies now nothing, be protective and if you have a breakout call for meds.

    Then patients start having signs and symptoms and noticing every little thing that they didn't notice prior to h blood test. Usually causes emotional upset (no shit)

    She said the bloodwork is useless.

    She's never been tested, never had a cold sore, but is certain she has a form of hsv, quioting me the statistics..


    I walked away shaking my head,...I was going to ask her about the fuc""g disclosure talk but figured why bother....she'd give me the same lecture I just heard...practice safe sex regardless:



  10. I have no idea who she is...they wouldn't say...word just came down the pike it was a "she"

    I'm thinking she had to know me and the others she snooped on

    Someone saw her doing it, told her supervisor....they tracked her for a while and then had enough for termination.

    People gossip, that was always a fear of mine, as much as they say don't do it, have laws in place, they do it.

    Now I travel over an hour away for any treatment or calls related to my hsv.

  11. Violated means she violated my privacy...and unless it's necessary to do your job, it's illegal and subjective to fines, immediate termination, arrest.

    we don't know who is was.

    They said it wasn't malice intent, bored and being snoopy...to me that's malice, you don't need to be doing identify theft to be malice...anyway, whoever she is knows of my diagnosis and many others. She's been fired.

    Makes me ill.

  12. Just an update

    Sooooo all along I feared of my testing result going to my workplace for fear of others getting ahold of the information that didn't need to see it...yes we have HIPPA laws set up to help alleviate that, but it was still very much a concern of mine, I even went to my med rec department about a month ago to see if I could have it squashed because I seek out of the area intervention now, the answer was no, even if it was anonymous, the doctor and nurses attending to me would have access to my record and know.

    Recent I received notofication my record was violated by a fellow employee as well as others, and the person is being investigated by the police.

    What were the f"""ing odds my record would be among one of those breached?

    Thousands of patients a week, and I'm in the few breached!

    I have no words anymore, I just don't,

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