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Posts posted by Bambina3

  1. Yes that is correct, every man I chatted with, that previously chatted with her...openly discussed her disclosure with me(which is wrong) and said they would not go past chatting due to h.


    Like youself, I was highly paranoid about stds too, I thought by making sure they had an std panel or were blood donors, I was safe...hpv1,2 or hpv never even crossed my mind until diagnosis time...it was just never s thought, only blood born pathogens...and to be honest, I've ran into so much lies and deceit, you really don't know how to trust (except long time friends)

  2. I've been reading a lot about the stigma, and just wanted to share;

    I belong to a site for several years now where people go to chat, they are kind of in the same boat I am in (with marriage)

    There is a lady in there, for years, that has been very open about her herpes status...before she even takes someone offline to her yahoo, she reveals her hsv2 status....she doesn't want to lead anyone on without knowing...although most I chatted with admired her courage, all of them said they wouldn't go any further with her than chat.."she must of had used bad judgement" etc....ironically I even stuck up for her for being so open upfront and honest.

    This is not where I am at yet, but she displayed great courage.

  3. @2Legit2Quit

    This is not my argument and you have helped me a lot, so I am staying out of it....whether it be here or anywhere, I agree...we shouldn't let anyone get to us.

    Unfortunately everyone has their version of the truth, yours, mine, and in the middle somewhere lies the truth...I think at times, it can be how we perceive things...and even though you do your best to help others, they might not be ready for the help. We need to just accept that and move forward.

    I have been on the net a very long time, and have experienced a lot of deceit....even those I trusted, that could tell me facts, statistics, and quote passages from the bible, were among the most deceitful.

    Hold your head high, you are doing your best, that's all we can do.

  4. I'm hearing the condescending attitudes come out in this thread...

    Granted, at times it can be frustrating dealing with people who do not understand, or who choose not to listen to those who have been down this road, but we all have a common ground, this disease.


    i can't think of any analogies to help you right now, but if it makes you feel better to quote stats, then quote them. There are some people who will freak out on you, regardless of how you handle it for disclosure....I am fully aware of that.

  5. Not sure I even buy the rate of transmission, I think it's higher because a lot of people are undiagnosed.

    I took some time to read thru this thread, although I do feel some sort of moral obligation to disclose, we all know I have yet to do it in a direct manner.

    I do agree with some of what hippyherpy is saying, both parties involved need to take some responsibility in the sexual arena...I obviously used poor judgement or trusted the wrong person, but I always asked up front about std history....if they lied to me, shame on them...you always have cases where a person doesn't know (was my scene) or the very good selfish liar...or the honest person....it's a gamble, and it's your life.

  6. So I just want to share something about healthy eating since we are supposed to really be caring for our bodies....

    I am vegetarian, have been for a few years and before that ate meat, but sparingly..

    I am not perfect, was eating sweets once in a while, a soda maybe 2 times per week, but did organic when possible with some slips.


    Over the past 3 weeks I have cut out a lot of food choices...I ate not one sweet, drank nothing but water or water flavored with real fruit (infused)....fruits, veggies, sprouted grain bread, organic items, nothing with artificial anything in it, no processed cheese...and I was full.


    Sat I was out with friends, caved and had pizza, soda..then decided I was a roll would add cool whip and jello.....a bowel of cereal later that night (sugar pops)....not an awful lot of food, but not good healthy food my body was used to....this am...sick...all day...tumbling belly, just felt awful.


    Moral...eat healthy when you can, that junk is really not good.

  7. @WCSDancer2010


    Thank you for the above information and I never looked at the word fear before in those ways but will always remember it now.


    Living in fear? Maybe....however, I'm in a different situation now, I'm married and dealing with that......if someone close to me needs support in any way (or in my net world) I would disclose my h status if it would help another ....but.....other than that, I don't want bragging rights to this, it's my personal business.

    Who would I disclose to? I don't have plans of a new partner anytime soon.

  8. Like my doctor told me, she wants to take My google search capabilities away from me.

    My lichen did not look like the majority of pics on computer...it was often seen as one single lesion/spot on my leg...I honestly thought I had skin ca when I went in because it wasn't going away....they confirmed diagnosis thru biopsy.


    I agree with Legit not to grasp and worry....(easier said then done I know)

    I just use a topical cream on it if I see it, which is rare, I'm told my body brings it on from stress because I have no other underlying health issues (h now)

    Just to help ease things let dr biopsy..

  9. I had a biopsy several years ago and was diagnosed with Lichen, although my lesion was on my leg, and not itchy, it does appear much lighter


    I also find myself looking for h...even went to a dr recently out of my area and said "that's is bothering will you check"...and saw nothing...I'm still a little clueless

  10. He believes from a tattoo, the owner of the shop passed on from a herion overdose, the public was unaware of his addiction and thought it was a safe shop, I did not ask him specific questions about if he saw the needles come out of the package or if they were already loaded.

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