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Posts posted by Bambina3

  1. @WCSDancer2010

    Then I suppose the same thought process applies to you as well being on this forum, you might not always be told what you want to hear.

    When you start off a sentence "Uh not to judge but"....there should be no "but" there should be no "judge"

    My statement was a vent...and i was including myself...but even if I wasn't...your opening line speaks for itself.

    You've helped many, you have helped me, you have inspired me, but don't always put your own thoughts on people's words. My vent included me.


  2. @WCSDancer2010 first of all, I didn't ask a question to prompt your opinion...I made a statement...I was venting...and absolutely I was reflecting on the whole situation, including myself, (lieing, cheating)...next time I suggest you keep your judgmental statements to yourself...I doubt your history is picture perfect.


    I already know 2legit is right.

  3. @2Legit2Quit

    Wow! I am impressed to hear it is part of the standard pregnancy testing in your area...

    I'm in the healthcare field, like I stated above, it's not standard here...not for pregnancy, not for anything...I actually rarely see hsv2 as a diagnosis, I've been more aware of it since my own disgnosis

  4. I've never been rejected and it's NOT easy....I was officially diagnosed in April....and I'm still very much struggling....I don't think I've had another outbreak since that one, but the emotional stigma is one that I have "hid" in the closet about it, still not saying the h word but describing it...

    They say time heals, eventually I will be able to be open about it, and accepted by those who love me truly....and I know they are right...I eventually came open about HPV....this disease is taking much more time for me to absorb and come to terms with.

    You are not alone!


  5. Although my reason was not h at the time...I was very much alone raising my children for many years...when they were very young...I was so scorned and emotionally burnt, I wanted nothing to do with a relationship....take me out, be my companion, then take me home and go away...I wanted nothing to do with relationships...

    So yes, I understand how you feel, although our reasons are different.

    Eventually times does heal, I know this.

    Love will come to you again.

  6. I also have a few questions that I posed in other threads along the way but would like to discuss and clarify

    Can vigorous rubbing without penetration transmit h.....I had an encounter about a year ago and he did not enter me but had vigorous rubbing gential to gential for hours

    Also....another used his hand on me for very very long time...and had an unusual breakout on his hand and arms that lasted weeks with scarring from itching....could I have transmitted h2 ? No entering me either.

    Just having a hard time on who I need to discuss my status with....so far I've discussed it with hubby and current affair, in a round about way. I'm slowly getting there.

  7. Just a need to vent....(maybe I need start blogging although I wouldn't know where to go or how to start)

    So maybe h is helping to open up my eyes...not sure it will slow me down for good, but it has certainly slowed me down for now...

    I'm on fb again tonite and I peaked over at my affairs page...on it again was him and his wife...happy, smiling, and she writes under it "he is so wonderful"

    Gosh i wanted to puke...not sure why I even look...but all I keep thinking is

    Wonderful? He's telling me he loves me, wants to f""k me, might of transmitted h, oh but he's a gem!!!

    Double standard I know, because I have been no better.

  8. The ladies above me said it all...ill just add I soaked in a bath and added a few drops of tea tree oil...helps soothe.

    If it's any consolation, my initial outbreak was so bad that til this day I remember it. I could hardly walk, pain to pee, covered...then went decades and it was a bad memory until recent...but hopefully this will be the worst for you.

    Sending hugs!!!

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