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Everything posted by Bambina3

  1. shock? I've been crying on and off since he told me...do you agree given what I told you above that was indeed herpes all those years ago? I have crucified myself over my affairs...knowing it wasn't right, but I was miserable enough to do it. Yes I am still married, he doesn't know about affairs nor my diagnosis...I am convinced he has it...during the last several years I have had pain in my spine radiating to my hips also...chiropractor visits said it was sciatica and my hip was out, even though my pain never ran down my legs...probably my system fighting my disease, now that I've pieced everything together....my husband has had breakouts, we thought it was a heat rash, but he had blisters on his penis....again we thought a skin condition...now I'm convinced he has the disease...I know I need to talk to him, I'm scared to do it. Do you agree, that even though I wasn't officially diagnosed with herpes years ago, it was in fact the disease? From what I've read they say perianal ulcers are typically herpes or syp. Thanks again for chatting All input helps me deal.
  2. I am clerical at our facility... not medical....but yes...when I was newly diagnosed(again) they down played it as a common disease....my mind spun... I'm sorry to hear you've had a terrible time with it...is your immune system low? I'm sorry, I'm new to learning about this...I was never properly educated...Google has become my friend...I'm too embarrassed to ask questions at work with the stigma surrounding it. It makes me sad to read what it can do to us.
  3. I also work in a medical setting, I'm ashamed to face any co worker that handled my chart...
  4. If I had any other ob, I am unaware...I would still be unaware if I didn't specifically ask my obgyn to check me for yeast or bacterial infection, there was slight burning and itchy.....when he looked he knew it was herpes, but did a culture to confirm....I go yearly for my paps...just had one in April, nothing was abnormal. I have to admit, I am very shocked at all this... Embarrassed is an understatement...
  5. Can someone also point me in the direction on where to find my subscribed threads or started threads...thank you
  6. I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago with HSV2, devastated I tried to trace my actions and partners... Thru my marriage I have had (2) affairs....immediately I was doing the blame game. Then it dawned on me, and I asked to view my medical record from an emergency room encounter I had when I was 19 years old...I remembered the pain, the fever, the blisters...I was tested for syphillis back then which was negative, not herpes...my final diagnosis that day was perianal ulcers....let's face it, it was aka herpes..I did not have another outbreak all these years....I find it so mind boggling that as a young adult I wasn't educated about the disease.....I have 3 grown children, thank God I didn't pass it to them. I am just so distraught that all these years I have been living with this disease unintentionally affecting others... Any comments would be appreciated and welcomed Thank you, hugs to all
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