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Everything posted by desertlove

  1. I keep having a reoccurring yeast infection, itchy and white discharge. Usually It never stings when I pee, but today it did. So I looked and I saw a small pump/blister on my clitoris. It's hard to see because it is very small. Has anyone ever developed something like this from having a bad yeast infection? Or am I also having an OB? I've gone to see the doctor several times now and we can't seem to get rid of this yeast infection. I just took my pill incase I am having an OB. I am going back tomorrow to have her take a look. She said I can try boric acid for my yeast infection.
  2. @WCSDancer2010 I really admire that you stood up for yourself and walked away from the situation. Your story really speaks to me. I am in a similar situation, but I am struggling to walk away. I am constantly battling it out in my head. I think you are definitely close to finding a man that will cherish you and love you! :) Thank you for sharing your experience.
  3. Thank you @WCSDancer2010 yes, I have definitely become more aware with my body and trying to treat it better. The emotional part, i'm still struggling with..but I know in time I will get there:). H has just magnified my fears, its facing me to look at them. Time to work on myself! :) This will only make me better.
  4. @nothingGoodGetsAway Hello! Well, my doctor took a swab of my discharge and looked under a microscope to look for organisms that cause vaginal yeast infections. I came back positive, however this way of checking isn't always accurate because it may give a false negative. Up to 50% of the time it comes back negative. She also took a culture swab for future testing if I keep having yeast infections. I did take a Fluconazole pill, but I am eating healthier to make sure I get this yeast infection out of me once in for all! lol Don't scratch! I know it is hard not to, but it may make it worse. If anything just lightly pat. Yes, from my understanding moisture can cause yeast. I think, as long as you are only doing epsom salt baths when you are having an OB you should be okay, but not for a yeast infection.
  5. As I sit here eating my dangerous oatmeal with bananas, I wonder if it will be the cause of an outbreak. lol I've been feeling overwhelmed with all the articles i've been reading about "WORST FOODS TO EAT IF YOU HAVE HERPES". :( I don't eat bad at all, but do I have to eliminate everything that is high in arginine? I don't think I will be able to give up chocolate lol. Also, I have been battling with recurring yeast infection so i've been extra careful about what I am eating. Moderation is key right?
  6. Just thought I'd let you guys know, It was a yeast infection after all. Hopefully I will not have my second outbreak any time soon! :) will be prepared for it tho if it comes.
  7. If I can't take Epsom salt baths, I wonder if dabbing it on would work also? Or squirting some on with a peri bottle?
  8. Yes, I agree with you two. I should definitely start a journal. The itching seems to come and go randomly. I will look at all of these links. thank you:). Have these worked for you?
  9. Awesome, I have so Epsom salt already:). Now when I feel an itch, I don't know if its just an itch or a sign of H lol. I'm sure over time I will get to tell them apart.
  10. @michelle_lovinglife I think that is a wise choice. I will do the same:). Thank you!I hope you get some relief soon too!
  11. hmm I had never heard of prodrom before. @2legit2quit I'm glad you mentioned it! I might have experience those symptoms about 2 weeks ago then when I was starting my period.
  12. Last night and today I have been itching down there. I am worried that it might be signs of an OB. I've only had one out break before, so I am still trying to figure out the signs. I hope it is not a yeast infection because that could trigger it as well. I have acyclovir incase of an OB. Should I take it now, or wait a day or two since I am not sure.
  13. Thank you @WCSDancer2010 I appreciate your honesty! When I am doubting myself or a relationship, I will remember this.
  14. Ladies! Thank you so much for all of the responses. I have been busy with midterms or else I would have replied right away! All of your stories and advice lift my spirits! :)
  15. Thank you, this is reassuring. I know I will find love one day, but I am just really scared and worried right now. Perhaps, H is what will help me find my prince charming (not so charming at times haha). I no longer should be wasting my time with guys that i'm not that into to beginning with.
  16. I would like to hear some successful love stories lol. I'm turning 25 next month and I've never been in love. I've been recently diagnosed with HSV2. I'd like to be married one day.
  17. Yes he got tested right after me. I do see he is definitely dealing with it differently. That's why I'm trying to be respectful of his decision. He is doing exactly what you mention, working out, focusing on school work, and his goals, kind of avoiding thinking about it. I don't believe he has told anyone. Totally different than how I am processing it and coming to terms with it. I am doing my best to not worry about him. I'm trying to shift my focus on myself and school. Thank you I appreciate you replying to me:).
  18. Also, he comes from a gangster family. So he grew up quick, he's a tough guy and doesn't show his emotions very well. He is the first one in his family to go to college. So I do understand he wants to make sure he graduates. I am trying to own up to what I know I am worth.
  19. Thank you, I do believe it will get better... it has to right? Can't be depressed about it forever. Well, I don't want to point fingers, but I'm pretty sure he gave it to me. It just makes the most sense. I believe he feels like he might have given it to me also since he said there was a time in his life where he just didn't care about what he was doing. Also, he was quick to not use protection with me, so I can assume he did the same with most girls. I usually am very careful, but I was dumb this time. thank you! I look forward to becoming a part of this community, getting help and helping each other :)
  20. Hi, It would be nice to meet a Hbuddy. I am 24 yr old girl living in Humboldt County. I got diagnosed about a month ago. Someone around my age would be nice. Hope you're out there! would love to meet up.
  21. Hello, After a wonderful summer, on the first day of school (which was a month ago) I was diagnosed with HSV2 after having my first outbreak. It was so surreal... it still kinda is. I'm going to school in NorCal and my family is in So Cal. My first thoughts were to drop out of school and go back to my family for support, or die (didn't actually want to harm myself, but felt like dying). I haven't told my parents or sister yet. I'm not sure when I will. I've made a lot of progress I think in this short amount of time. I've informed myself and have even told a couple of friends about it. However, it is still really upsetting and its on my mind 24/7. The guy that I was seeing, well we still are kinda seeing each other also tested positive. He has handled it different. He keeps busy, and has made school even a bigger priority then before. He recently told me he didn't want to put pressure on what we have and just wanted to see how things go. I respect that he is focusing on himself, as I should also be focusing on myself and school, but i've been left feeling unwanted, my ego is hurting, and my fears have been magnified with this diagnosis. It makes me think if he is someone that has herpes like me and doesn't want to be my boyfriend then imagine trying to date someone that does not have it -_-. When I was 19 I tested positive for chlamydia and that traumatized me so much that I swore I would not have sex until I had a boyfriend or was dating exclusively. That lasted until I was 23years old. I am now 24, turning 25 next month. As a result of those 5 years of being celibate, I'm used to being single and I've always been very independent. So with this guy, I'm scared that I will go on another 5 year strike haha. Also, i'm scared to let him go because I don't want to be bitter and feel like all I got from this relationship was herpes. I've given him his space, but i'm starting to think I just need to let him go completely. I appreciate him being honest,but I feel more alone right now worrying about him and I then when I was actually alone. I know he isn't seeing anyone else, but I'm starting to feel like a convenience. When we hangout its fun, its when we aren't together that reality sets in. I know my mistake was acting like a girlfriend when he hadn't even earned it. Sorry for ranting, but I know no one else besides him that has herpes. I feel like our situation changes a bit once you add in the fact that we have herpes. It probably doesn't tho lol. idk I just want to be done with school and be back to my family and cats. I want all this to be a distant memory ASAP. :( Mel
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