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Everything posted by janedoe

  1. How abt making an appointment to see a doctor with your daughter?
  2. Hi, Welcome to the forum. I dont wanna sound bitter but I think it is only fair if you only hear the other side of the story. The sexually liberated girls as you say it... I havent had a one night stand in my life, I actually prefer fwb. So, I was seeing this guy for 3 weeks, I asked him abt his test results, got tested myself, used a condom half of the time... by your definition I'm a responsible girl. Then 3 days later I found tiny papercuts down below and diagnosed with h. The guy was asymptomatic... after seeing his actions, I understand he's a waste of breath in this planet. And I'm not gonna lie I wanted to kill him. The pain he caused is too much to bear. I blame myself everyday and wish that he has some accident to leave him paralyzed or sth. So, the answer to your question: we disclose because we care abt our partners' health even though they dont, we dont want them to go through this emotional trauma that we did and we disclose cause it is the responsible thing to do. Lastly I disclose cause I want to give them the choice that I wasnt given. If they dont want to take the risk it's fine by me. No hard feelings. If I pass h to my partner whom I disclosed despite my best efforts, I can sleep at night. You're a grown up man who can make your own decisions. I cant force you to disclose. I just want you to realize the remifications of not disclosing.
  3. Acyclovir and valtrex has the same molecular structure. If valtrex doesnt work for you, acyclovir wont work too.
  4. You mentioned she was in the pool. It could be a yeast infection. A friend I know had a similar thing when we were kids and after a visit to the doc, it turned out to be some sort of yeast.
  5. I dont think those twitches are shedding cause I get them everyday. I talked abt this with my doc at PP and she said it doesnt sound like prodromes, it's most likely the nerve damage. When I wake up, there is nothing but when I sit 2+ hours (putting pressure at my original ob site) my right buttock starts to ache then my right leg starts to twitch. I dont get outbreaks after those sensations and twitches. My prodromes consist of headaches in the back of my head and itching down there. If it itches like a bug bite (ie when it itches sooo good and you dont wanna stop but your skin hurts) then I get an ob. Also, twitching and pain dont happen when I have an ob. Try to keep track of your symptoms. After a while you're gonna be good at differentiating btw the nerve pain and prodromes.
  6. @Sassy2543 I am gonna try that. Thank you so much :)
  7. I was using vit b but I'll try pickle juice too. Thanks :)
  8. my doc at pp told me this kind of pain is caused by nerve damage not the prodrome. I am inclined to believe them cause my prodrome symptoms are so much different from this type of pain. For instance when the virus is active I can feel it travelling through my nerves (with a real bad burning sensation) and it gives me a really really bad headache. At first I thought this leg pain is prodrome too and for some reason the virus is active all the time but now I can differentiate btw the nerve pain and prodromes.
  9. It sounds kind of similar to the nerve pain that I'm having. I suggest a visit to your obgyn.
  10. @optimist what I meant was herpes isnt common in my country and for me US population fell into the a category where I could label it as "high risk group" compared to other countries I have visited. But hey, you can catch herpes anywhere.
  11. okay, I dont wanna interrupt but mom and dad please dont fight you are scaring the children :) Everyone has different tastes in life. Some likes motorcycles, others prefer cars. We don't pass judgement, everyone makes their own decisions. Yes, some activities are scary but they are also fun for some people. As far as being politically incorrect goes, if we go down that road, I can say that US population poses higher risk for catching herpes (1 in 5). Is it correct? Relatively. Does this sound good? NOPE. Why? Cause you're assuming that you are above them. so, please dont stereotype. Now please hug and make up.
  12. Well, the clinic I visited was a government funded facility that specializes in AIDS and HIV. First, I wanted a Rapid test which gives results in 20 mins but they told me that they aren't accurate that is why they don't use it anymore. So, I got combined 4th gen antibody/antigen test (Ag/Ab, p24) which is highly accurate in four weeks. I got tested in 6 weeks but they assured me that it can pick up antibodies in 2 weeks. After day 90, it is 99% accurate. I got the results in 2 days. There is also RNA PCR test which has a shorter window period (3 days to four weeks) but it's used for a recent infections. Here is a short info: http://i-base.info/guides/testing/appendix-1-different-types-of-hiv-test "Viral load can sometimes be detected within a week, p24 on average by day 16 and antibodies by day 25" If you slept with someone in past 2 weeks, I guess you can take a combination of tests. PCR combined with antibody/antigen test should give a almost definite answer. But you are right about the last comment you made. It'd be a good idea to catch a break before testing.
  13. Hi, You aren't a walking parasite. From my experience, doctors are good at treating not healing. My diagnosis was traumatic as well, as if suddenly, there was a wall btw my doctor and me. I guess they are used to not getting emotionally attached. So, meds should be kicking in right about now. Blisters should clear out real soon. For pain, you can take pain killers, they work. As for the preventing OBs, avoid stress, eat healthy and exercise. I know it sounds like BS but stress is the #1 trigger for me. You can try lysine, vitamin b and probiotics to support your immune system. Eat lots of fresh fruit and yogurt. WCSdancer has some wonderful tips abt this issue. First 6 months to a year, your body is working to control the virus so taking care of yourself is important. Also, please dont give in to dark thoughts. Of course, you can find a man and get married and have kids. This isn't a bloodborne virus so it doesn't affct pregnancy. The only thing you should be careful abt is having an active ob at the time of delivery even then, they perform a C section and you'll be fine. Please check the success stories section. First OB causes many people to have some UTI symptoms. Urinating in shower or running down water when urinating might help. Also, drink lots of water to dilute the urine. Everything is gonna be okay. You are gonna handle this. Dont worry. Hugs to you.
  14. "Does asymptomatic shedding cause an increase in CD4 or do CD4 levels get raised only at the area where the blisters occur. If it's a asymptomatic, is that by definition mean that the body doesn't know the virus is shedding and won't send CD4 etc. ? If that's the case than the boxer short area doesn't become a big HIV sponge" I think your body knows the virus is shedding. According to some studies, the difference between being asymptomatic and symptomatic is immune response, some sort of enzyme must be present to handle the virus and symptomatic people's immune system is kind of slow to produce it from what i remember from my research. So, Tcells are present. If you are worried, you can get in touch with a clnic cause some of drugs they use certainly lowers the risk of transmission. You can use them as well. As for the high risk populations, dont forget that people lie about their past. The way I see it, a low probability event already happened to us. It can happen again. Having an hiv test only takes 2 days and it can pick up antibodies in 2 weeks. Also, in special clinics it is free. So, It isn't a major inconvenience to ask people to get tested.
  15. @hippyherpy When I first got diagnosed, doctors at PP told me that herpes increases the chance of transmission of hiv virus because the integrity of the skin is comprimised. However doctors in the clinic that I recently visited confirmed since hsv is a viral infection, there are CD4 cells present even after the OB is healed because of the asymptomatic shedding. CD4 cells, also known as T-cells, act as an identifier, their job is to hang around at the site that certain types of viral infection are present. They signal CD8 cells (killer cells). Hiv virus attaches itself into Tcells and uses them to make copies of itself. There are a number of drugs to distrupt this process - some of them stops the virus to attach itself to immune cells, some of them slows down the replication process. That is why, hiv+ people uses a combination of drugs and keep track of their Tcell counts. In short, having hsv almost certainly increses the chance of acquiring hiv. Recently, I read a study abt hiv&hsv 2. They state having hsv 2 increases the chance of having hiv 1 (the strain that found in Africa, there is also hiv 2, it is the strain commonly found in US) at least 2-fold (some studies say 2 to 4 fold). Also, if the hsv infection is recent, chances are higher. I can send you the study. "Here's a technical question: Herpes leaves CD4 cells at the site of a breakout which make HIV transmission three times more likely. Let's say you had your breakout on the tip of your penis. Does that mean that if you cover the tip of your penis with a condom that three times higher risk of getting HIV is still present, or is it cancelled out? What about if HIV comes into contact with any other area in the boxer shorts region that didn't have a breakout- is it still three times more likely to transmit?" Imo yes, it's still 3 times more likely since you might be shedding from anywhere in the boxer shorts area and there will be immune cells there.
  16. @luna1088 I get that you are stressed out. Getting them checked is the smart thing to do but they might be a number of things. Dont stress yourself more than you have to.
  17. @luna1088 then you have nothing to worry about. You can try baby powder for the rash
  18. @luna1088 honey, I think you are not so sure that you have ghsv. In your other posts you mentioned your lab results, positive for hsv1, negative for hsv2. So you may have it orally not genitally. I have oral hsv for many many years now and it did not cause me any problems. So, you being prediabetic might be causing your BV. To your other question, swabs are performed when sores are present Those sores might not look like oral blisters, mine looked like 3-4 tiny papercuts on the outer part of my vagina. So if you have suspicious bumps make an appointment. If there are no sores, you can retake the blood test at 4 months post exposure.
  19. I have hsv 2 and I have recurrent BV and yeast infection after herpes. You said you are pre diabetic, in my opinion it is the culprit. I am told that diabeties can cause BV or yeast infections. My recipe is one tablespoon of white vinegar or baking soda mixed with 500 ml of water (a normal water bottle amount - this recipe was a doctor's suggestion). I wash my lady bits after I pee. My experience is baking soda work well for BV and vinegar works well with yeast. They clear right up in 3 days but it depends on the severity of the situation. Try making an appointment with PP. Like I said before, I was having a nasty BV around the time I got diagnosed and the antibiotics they gave me worked well. And for the love of god please dont wear tight clothes or underwear.
  20. Well, assuming it is not herpes, try eating yogurt. Also, mix baking soda or white vinegar with water and wash effected areas when you go to the bathroom. I get lots of them and I know how uncomfortable they can be. Also, I suggest getting a CBC to look for any deficiencies and blood sugar levels. Also let your lady bits breathe as much as you can (not wearing underwear when you are home). If you are in US, I suggest going to PP, they helped me with a particularly nasty BV.
  21. @rocrmom94 you don't shed enough virus to have an OB but you may shed just enough virus to transmit. My giver was asymptomatic but he transmitted to me.
  22. Hi, 1. There are blood tests available for hsv. I am not a doctor but your doctor is worng. There are 3 types of tests: IgM, IGG and Western Blot. IgM is useless but Igg should give you a definite answer after 4 months. Western Blot is the best test available but it is a bit pricey. You can check WCSDancer's posts about the tests. 2. If he has HSV1 orally, he can transmit to you genitally via oral sex. So, he might not have hsv1 genitally. In your case receiving oral sex should be fine. If you have hsv1 orally as well (80% of the population have it) you can give oral. HSV1 doesn't shed as much as HSV2 so if you are taking antivirals and using condoms, transmission rate is very low. You can check the handbook for that.
  23. @hippyherpy I don't think people here represent the worst case scenerio. I figured so many people are ashamed and afraid abt this. That is why there are people here who don't post. Also, people in long term committed relationships may not have the urge to post here. So, this leaves us with newbies and the people who still trying to figure out this stuff. I'd like to do what Ella did but sadly, my days here are limited and my country is not some place that you can have STI talk openly without getting murdered or else... Maybe later in my life, when I finish my PhD, I will try that.
  24. @WCSDancer2010 I was like him before my diagnosis. When I had my first OB, I went to the doctor just to ease my mind and get some medication for the itching... I could never have suspected that those paper cut things were herpes... anyway the second guy that I disclosed to is the same. I think that is because of those google images. They are kind of extreme, it makes you think that if I had those, I would know.
  25. Yep it is normal. At least I had it. Along with nerve pain and flu like symtoms. Keep taking the meds, take care of yourself, it should be over in a couple of days. Hugs...
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