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Herpes vaccine / cure

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I was diagnosed with HSV2 back in the spring of 21. It’s been a rough road to say the least. This should’ve never happened to me. I have always been safe. I have never screwed around or slept around in my life. I guess overall I am doing OK but I still feel as though getting into a new relationship and starting the life that I want is pretty much impossible. When the miracle happens, and I find somebody that I do click with, when I disclose, let’s be real. It’s game over. 

I know that prior to this year I would’ve walked away from anyone who told me they had an STD.

With all that being said, I know there was a lot floating around out on the Internet regarding cures and preventative vaccines. I was wondering if anyone here has any concrete information about the progress. I haven’t done a ton of research and once again this is all very new to me.

most of my brain power currently goes to processing and accepting the idea of being alone for a very long time.

Give me a damn shot so I can get rid of this curse! I truly don’t deserve this.



I'm sorry you have been struggling. Please know that you aren't any different than who you were before H. If anything, you are wiser and more compassionate. The right person will not leave you just because you disclose. So many folks on here thought they'd never find love but they did! Happy healthy marriages, children, and happiness. The same is possible for you! 

In regards to vaccines, there's no HSV vaccine as of yet. However, a lot of work is being done to make one! Check out University of Washington Virology Division's website to see what progress they are making 🌟.

Also, you are NOT going to be alone forever. You are a wonderful human with a common virus! Don't feed the socially-cpnstructed stigma. It's created by people, it isn't Gospel. It's misinformation and judgement and fear, and none of that is true! What's true is that you can live a happy, healthy, romantic life, even with H.

A big part of being in a happy relationship is believing you deserve to be in one, other we self-sabotage. You deserve a healthy relationship, with others AND with yourself. Believe this and live this 🌟🌻!

Blessings!! 🌼

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There is a lot more reason to hope than there was 10 years ago, but it will take time.

Timeframe-wise there is informed hope that a cure may be available within 5 or 10 years, depending on successful results, approvals etc. I know that may seem a long time, but that is how long these things can take. There is a lot of medical progress in terms of mRNA vaccine, gene editing CRISPR (sp?) that wasn't there in the past .


There's certainly a balance to strike when it comes to thinking about a herpes cure. Sure, get excited that one might come. But don't put your life on hold until one does. When I first got herpes 15 years ago or so, a cure was 5-10 years away then, too. If I would have paused my life in anticipation of a cure, I wouldn't be married with a 4-year-old now. I would still be waiting ... Instead, live your life now as if there won't be a cure, but be pleasantly surprised if/when one does! Then a herpes cure will be icing on top of the amazing life you've built. 

Here's an early video I made on this topic waaay back in the stone ages of 2010:


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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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On 1/26/2022 at 12:04 PM, DeMar said:


There is a lot more reason to hope than there was 10 years ago, but it will take time.

Timeframe-wise there is informed hope that a cure may be available within 5 or 10 years, depending on successful results, approvals etc. I know that may seem a long time, but that is how long these things can take. There is a lot of medical progress in terms of mRNA vaccine, gene editing CRISPR (sp?) that wasn't there in the past .

Hmmm, half my post was removed. I included a link to a  well moderated reddit group focusing on actual treatment research (not hearsay). I'm not sure why that was a problem. I imagine it would be of a huge interest to a lot of people here.

  • mr_hopp changed the title to Herpes vaccine / cure

Hi @DeMar,

I removed the link because posting about cures goes against our community guidelines here: https://forums.herpesopportunity.com/topic/732-please-read-herpes-opportunity-community-guidelines/

I totally get how it might seem odd to not allow cure links on a herpes website, but that's a slippery slope and a can of worms: If we allow one cure link, then we would need to allow all cure links, and policing that would be utter mayhem with the mountains of cure promises out there (which has been pervasive ever since the very beginning of H Opp over a decade ago). H Opp's focus hasn't been on finding a cure; our focus has always been on living your best life now (just in case a cure never comes to pass). 

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:

  • 2 months later...

Hi, I feel the same - wish there was more emphasis on a cure - fairly new diagnosis for me (10 months) so I think I’m in that stage of trying to accept vs wanting it gone! However, through internet research I found out the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research centre have a dedicated programme of research on Herpes and have had this for many years - looking for a cure / vaccine.  I won’t post links as it’s against rules (and sorry not sure if this is breaking them) but just flagging it as it’s helped me get some comfort knowing there are scientists dedicated to this no matter how long it takes.  I also take the point above about not putting life on hold x

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