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Just left the doctors

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My doctor made me feel a lot better about having H. I've been having consistent outbreaks for the past five months and he put me on 1000 mg valtrex for suppressive therapy. I had so many questions for him and he actually told me I'm stressing myself out over herpes. He said at least once a day he sees a patient with herpes, sometimes more! That its nothing to be stressed out about, that over time it will get better and milder. He was laughing at me because I was asking so many questions. He even told me he doesn't understand why people get so stressed out about this condition. He asked me, is your life in danger?? I said no, he's like then get over it. Think of it as getting the flu. The flu virus is always inside of you just like herpes. I'm really glad I went and talked to him about all of my concerns. And I'm also very glad I found this site to share my experiences and read others experiences. It has helped me tremendously!! I hope others take this post as a sign of hope. We're not dirty, we can still have mind blowing sex (when we have no H symptoms) and live a normal, happy life. That herpes isn't as devastating as we make it out to be!! Ill keep everyone posted on how suppressive therapy is working out for me!!


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Hi Xtina,


wow you seem to have a very nice doc, he has brought it to the point herpes is only skin condition and it dont will kill you ...its only a little bit anoying :)Its great that he answered you all you questions and gave you a positiv thinking about that virus , a lot of doctors have no clue and they let they patient in the dark.People go home alone with this diagnosis and have to deal with it by theyselfs, they think nobody else have it but as he told you he have 1 patient a day which is quit a lot.Nop you right you are not dirty ( we are not dirty) and lets go on and talk about Herpes that everyone will understand thats very much in comon.Hope you stay that positiv even the virus will give you ups and downs but I can see you strong person.big hug

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He was very nice but he didn't know why I was making it such a big deal. You could tell he was like ok is there anything else?? But thank you for the kind words!! I will keep you updated on everything! I hope others can read this post and stop thinking so negatively about Hsv.

@cc123 - let the wedding planning begin!! Haha


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I remember when I first found out I had herpes. I was balling my eyes out in the doctor office and he was kind of just staring like ok. I are you done yet? And I didn't know why he was so calm. Hearing your experience puts mine into a better perspective lol. I'm glad you shared that.

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Xtina, Simply me, cc - you know, one thing you guys could do to help others would be to print out some of the handouts (I'm going to make it a 2 sided paper with the diagnosis page on one side and the disclosure side on the other) and ask them to hand them out to their patients. What would happen if everyone on here (including you lurkers - I know you are out there!) took 100 copies to their Dr. Think of all the people who would benefit!


I'm taking a stack to the OBGYN I go to, to planned parenthood, and my GP. Even if you only choose one Dr (maybe the one who seems the most clueless!) it would make the difference for soooo many people.


And Xtina - I can't wait to see the wedding photos. Keep us posted. So glad you are feeling better :)

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So happy u got some answers today:9) proud of you going in there n giving him every concern on ur mind..!im sure it's a huge monkey off ur back:0) id like some info on suppressive therapy once u see how it works for you.. Not with anyone as we speak so no need.. And I have very lil obs n not bad to go thru, so would only need it to keep my partner safe.. So please let me know.. Lots of hugs to you xoxoxox thank u

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WCS, that's a great idea!! There's a planned parenthood right by my work too that I can take the handouts too. If a doctor can't answer all the concerns a patient has at least they can get informed about herpes and not be so left in the dark. I'm so going to do this!!

@lamme34- my outbreaks aren't that bad either, I get one soar that usally clears up I'm 3-7 days. Sometimes it itches but most of the time it doesnt bother me at all. i just know its there so i obsess over it. It never turns into an open soar, but that's probably because I start taking valtrex right away. Just how often I've been breaking out and the stress I Know ill be going through with wedding planning I thought I'd give the suppressive therapy a try. I will defiantly keep you updated!

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I'm sure a lot...of not most...get depressed durinv am outbreak. It really lays all those insecurities out there. But thank goodness for Valtrex! That stuff literally works like magic. Hah. They make my outbreaks go away within a day. So its really not too bad. I just look at it like having a cold. Ok so when I have a ruuny nose and am sick in bed, I take Sudafed and am all good. Its like the same thing. But I know mine mainly are due to stress so I can relate to you on that one! #here for you


XOXO Always

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This is why a good doctor is very important! My initial diagnosis was from 2 doctors at the ER, and they weren't very sensitive about giving me the info. I understand it's a hospital and they were probably really busy, but geez! They kinda just said, "That's HSV, here's a prescription for Acyclovir!"


Luckily I found a very nice doctor that handed me tissues while I cried the very next day lol. I'm glad you have what sounds like a great doctor! Don't stress! I'm still new to this, but I've heard it's no bueno!

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