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Feeling confused and sad.

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Hi everyone,

I had the talk yesterday and everything went well. He was more than understand and reassuring. I don't know why I woke up feeling so sad today. I had another OB start up last night and all those insecurities just came back. I have to keep reminding myself that this virus is no big deal, but I can't seem to shake off these feelings and fear of getting rejected even though I've already been reassured that all is good. Sorry about the negative post. I'm just really feeling kinda blah and needed to share with people who understand.


Good day to everyone!

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Klopz -


So glad the talk went well!


This is all normal - just know that it's all just your brain running the show and brains seem to like to get hysterical about things we don't have control over ;)


So see what you can do to help Mr. White Mass to settle down ... because letting him run the show will only result in more OB's too..


Perhaps you can look at your brain like one of those friends who gets over-upset about every little thing and tells you all the things that are going wrong in their life. How would you deal with them??? It's sorta like helping a baby learn to self-soothe - we need to learn what we, as adults, can do to self soothe when we get upset ;) ... Herpes may just be the tool you needed to learn this valuable skill which comes in handy in sooo many life situations :)



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Thank you Dancer!

I already worry about everything and I can't help but be afraid that this is going to sabotage my happiness, but you're right. I have to learn to control it and stop giving it so much power. Thank you for all the great advice and support!


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I completely understand. I am a worry wart myself. I worry about everything. Even though my boyfriend said he was okay with me having herpes, there was a huge battle in my head that he was lying to me. I was still sad.

I eventually got over it and now I am taking most things with a grain of salt.

H was the tool I needed to learn that not all things are in my control.

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