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Is This HSV2???

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OK - freaking out a bit. Been working to get a western blot scheduled for next week - difficult to get here (other testing wasn't very definitive). But anyway - yesterday got what looked like a Red pimple near the base of my manhood. Even popped like a pimple - had normal white pus. Doesn't really hurt much more than I would expect a normal pimple would. Was no tingling or anything before it popped up. Now today I have another one very close to the one from yesterday. Any chance this could be a primary outbreak after four months? These don't look anything like the images from Google. -


Thanks - Ra




Rather than popping them, get it cultured.... that would answer your question..


However, it's likely just a pimple. HSV doesnt usually have pus in it unless it's infected and even then it's more likely to have at least some discomfort once it's opened... ;)

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