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1 yr of ghsv1 and now i think hiv

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So i have a follow appt on thursday to go over my blood work. I received a call from the physicians office, they called to tell mey urine showed i had an infection and they will call in cipro med. while the nurse had me on the phone she mentioned my blood count was low. I currently had a bv infection, lately i get those. Im really scared to face reality. I have not learned my lesson from last year. I would assume the nurse would mention something to me like make sure i dont have sex etc. i think i only had sex twice this year. With my ex. One time no protection and then another time with but it broke. Fml. I dont know how i will tell my family.

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Why would you assume that you have HIV? Cipro is a drug to treat bacterial infections.


Do you see how your worst enemy here isn't herpes? It isn't even HIV.


It's your mind. Do you see how you're leading yourself down this rabbit hole of what Dr. Phil lovingly refers to as "stinkin' thinkin'"? ;) Enough of that kind of thinking and it could easily seem like your whole life is going down the drain. It can become a runaway freight train of negative momentum!








You're okay. You're alive. You're here. You will cross whatever bridge you come to. But first you have to find out what the bridge actually is! Not what bridge is in your imagination. Go up to the bridge. Study it. Only then can you actually make an informed decision on how to cross it.


And you have us to lean on if you need it. But first, you have to be your own friend about this. And friends don't jump to the worst case scenario. They see what the facts are, learn and support in moving forward from there. Please don't make assumptions along this path. It will only burn your energy that can be used for more important healing steps.


Big hugs to you. I know this has been hard on you. And it will get better and better. I promise.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks. I hope to meet you some day!!! Im shitting bricks bc she mentioned my blood count i think she said white blood cells are low. I know this could be bc of something else but im shitting bricks and its my own fault.

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I can't add much to that - Adrial and Ellierae hit the nail on the head.


The mind is a dangerous thing when we let it run amok ... :(


And BTW, *IF* you have HIV, it's STILL not the end of the world.... Magic Johnson has had it 22 years - has two children post-diagnosis and a beautiful wife - the virus is dormant in him and he seems to fight it well. There are amazing drugs out there and to be honest, I would say the Dr's can control HIV far better than they do HSV at the moment :p


(((HUGS))) my friend... and BREATHE some more ... you will know soon enough if the infection is causing the issues or something else. Until then, there's nothing you can do so why worry about it? It certainly won't change anything either way;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


Thank you for all of the support. Its been a crazy 2 weeks with work. I had my doctors appointment and I am negative. I may have other issues not related to an STD. Im starting to think I am becoming a hypochondriac. Any little thing and i think the worse. SMH... im slowly loosing my marbles. Again thanks again!!!!!! xoxoxoxo

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