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feeling frustrated, sad, bothered.

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I was seeing someone for about 5 months. He knew my situation, things were fine, we broke up in Feb. and ended things amicably, initially. Then he did a total turn around and blew me off, won't acknowledge me, gives my roommates dirty looks when he sees them around, and I can't help but wonder if I passed this on to him, and he found out by passing it to someone else or something. I'm just irked and I can't get past it, especially since I'm in college so it's a very concentrated environment as far as people we are friends with, etc. I'm paranoid and can't help but wonder who knows what about me. I'm feeling forlorn, and obviously powerless to control the situation. Just venting I guess. I suppose this is something I will need to get used to- breakups will always be 10x harder with this.

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breakups will always be 10x harder with this.


Only if you CHOOSE to blame Herpes on this.....


Honey, people do this "ghosting" ALL.THE.TIME. It show who they are. They have no spine. This is nothing to do with you, with Herpes, or anything else. You are feeling powerless because you are giving Herpes the power .... you don't know why he's acting like a jerk... it likely has nothing at all to do with Herpes ... some people just can't be amicable after a breakup...


Take some time to get to know and love YOURSELF .... take time on here to learn to look at Herpes as more of your wingman/friend than as a nasty disease that is the cause of all your unhappiness ... it's amazing how you can turn things around when you learn to look at things from a different perspective.



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Well, not that it'll make you feel better, but breakups suck, amicable or otherwise. And, a lot of guys will react this way. It's just part of being young and dumb.


I think if you passed it on to him, you'd know. He'd tell you. Believe me, he'd be calling you and swearing. He just seems like that kind of guy from what you wrote. So, I'd relax. I agree with Dancer that you're letting the fear get the best of you.


Now, he's not going to go spreading rumors. Why? Because if he says "Oh, she's got herpes..." Know what's going to happen? Everyone is going to assume he has herpes.


So, taken together, what does this mean for you? Nothing. Don't worry about it. It hurts, and it sucks, but it's an unfortunate part of dating. Some people react the way your boyfriend is, and he probably has a tinge of regret for the breakup. Let it pass. Who knows? 20 years from now you might call each other up and become friends.

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Once again Herry has a very intelligent view point. He's right on the rumors so I wouldn't worry on that. I highly doubt you gave it to him because if that was the fact agreed you'd likely be dealing with someone angry and upset but either or don't matter. YOU were honest and told him from the beginning. So you have nothing you should feel guilty of or otherwise.




Be prideful in the fact you're at college! Using words like forlorn.... enjoy this moment of life help yourself by taking care of yourself and eventually someone will be fortunate enough to have the opportunity to share your life.

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