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just need encouragement..

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Hey guys...im officially having my second OB.....its not near as bad as my first..but its still pretty intese..new guy im dating is completely supportive and sweet. I feel like its me that is ruining things......he tells me he knew the risks and he is fine with it. Im just driving myself insane thinking hes just going to change his mind.....how can I get out of this rut???

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I know this is gonna sound off and your response is gonna be something like "Yeah right." but in relationships we feed off the emotions of our partners... if one of us is sad the other is concerned and sometimes equally sad. If one of us is anxious the other can become anxious. So far he seems to be acting in the best mature way possible and the best thing YOU can do is BREATH try to level your emotions and anxiety and treat this as exactly what it is really "No big deal" Take care of yourself take care of your outbreak and when you two become intimate use what you learn here.


You can act like herpes is the monster in the closet.... breathing heavily as you sleep waiting patiently the day it will come out and say hello. Or you can treat it as what it is.... an annoyance a skin condition that comes and goes like so many other skin conditions.



Live long and Prosper. (BTW from my reading of the hsv groups... it's really has open up people's imaginations and shyness from different fetishes there are a ton of ways to achieve pleasure without genital contact. Get creative and you may just find something you both really really like.)

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Here you go:




You see, if anything, if you take this advice, he should come out of it all thinking that H is the best thing that he's ever come across .... because you can use it as an excuse to try other things.....


I had a BF for 3 yrs that had ED and body dysmorphic ideas about his penis size (he was average but was convinced he was "small". ) The combination of things made him become pretty damned good at Oral Sex (he was the first guy to ever get me to orgasm that way) .... now when I have discussions with anyone about "penis size vs satisfaction" I always say I'd rather have a man with ED and a "small" penis who knows how to make up for that over a guy who is "well endowed" and hasn't got a clue where the G-spot is any day ;)

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Haha! Its not the size that matters...but how the man works it;) second OB is pretty much clearing up.....gosh so much easier than my intial ob..that sh** was not joke....he told.me yesterday as he held me... I cant wait to be inside u again :) made me feel pretty awesome.....oh the small things the herp makes u appreciate:)

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