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FOOD! Arginine and herpes?

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So, I have been eating extremely healthy since my diagnosis. I researched all the food that I can have and can't have. BUT, this past week I began to eat some foods that have high-arginine levels , in moderation of course. Is this bad? For instance today I ate some yogurt and a banana...some boneless chicken breast with spinach and then later on I ate pizza. Lol. I'm finding myself craving foods that I know could possibly trigger an outbreak. I swear, I would kill for a piece of chocolate cake right now, lol, it's not even funny how bad I want chocolate cake! I have been eating super healthy. I watch my diet and make sure that I'm getting all the right nutrients and keeping my immune system in tip top shape, but is it ok if I splurge every now and then. I will take my acyclovir after I know I ate something I wasn't supposed to and drink lemon water...I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right things to prevent an outbreak. I haven't had one this past week and I have cheated on my "herpes diet" so I'm assuming I'm not over doing it... the thing is I'm not a picky eater. I love food and I love all types of food. I just miss not having to think of what I'm supposed to be eating...Please help. If anyone has any tips or recipes that will make me not miss junk food, like cake or cheeseburgers so much, I would really appreciate it:)

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Hi! I think it's great that you are working so hard to keep your immune system in the best shape possible. I never really considered a herpes diet to be honest, It's crossed my mind to not eat as much chocolate and nuts but I love them too much to give them up. I do not ever have out breaks, just occasional tingling. Everyone's different and responds differently to different foods (and that can change at different points in one persons life!) I would recommend slowly reintroducing high argentine foods and seeing if they affect you. Like maybe start having chocolate every once I awhile and if it seems to cause an ob then you know that you should avoid it. There's no reason to shun all high argentine food because it may not be a trigger for you personally. The biggest trigger for me (and most people) is stress! So there's no reason to add more stess to your life over argentine levels! Relax and listen to your body is the best advice I can give. Goodluck <3

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I was literally going to post this same question!!!! I've also been researching foods that can trigger OB and I've run across some conflicting information! I understand the lysine/arginine thing... But I was wondering what types of food have affected others out there? I realize we are all different, but just to get an idea of what has affected someone real would be nice. I found a very helpful chart somewhere with a ratio of the two amino acids, which is helpful.. But a real life story from real people would be nice :-) . I am a huge fan of dark chocolate covered almonds, but I'm terrified to have them now! I feel like there has to be a "moderation" thing here just like with anything else. If I eat a handful vs the whole bag lol! Also, to add to this "food" question, do most of you out there take extra supplements and do they seem to make a difference for you? I am starting lysine today, but was going to start with one 1000mg pill a day to take with my 500mg valtrex. Thank so much for your feedback! And thanks gold dust for posting this question! :-)

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I have had genital HSV2 for almost 30 years and I have never noticed a diet connection. I think this is an individual matter and varies from person to person..I have read things about people saying that chocolate, nuts, and caffeine are triggers for them..maybe that is true for SOME of the population, but definitely not everyone.


My trigger is primarily intense emotional stress. I have never had chronic outbreaks..some years I have had no outbreaks, and other years I might have 1 or 2 outbreaks.


All that being said, I want to mention that I have been a "peanut butter" addict most of my life. I probably hold the world's record for eating peanut butter sandwiches :). Seriously, I have eaten peanut butter on an almost daily basis for years (not so much anymore but I used to) and also have eaten chocolate VERY frequently. Never triggered a problem for me.


I admit, that when I hear about the "diet triggers" that I do get nervous thinking I should avoid those foods, but my husband rolls his eyes at me and reminds me that I have eaten whatever I have wanted my whole life, and it never affected me.


My advice is, just eat like you normally would and if you think you are having diet triggers, then start modifying. ;)

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That's so encouraging!! I drink coffee every day of my life and it's something I cannot give up lol! I think it's pretty safe to say that ANYTHING can potentially cause an outbreak for someone.. I guess it's all just going to be trial and error. :-)

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I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right things to prevent an outbreak.


You are doing the right things - you are more aware of your diet, and that is huge. I for one don't have any known food triggers nowadays ...but I *did* have a spell at one time where chocolate AND nuts would trigger one ... but I was under a lot of emotional stress at the time. So you are right - it's all trial and error and being aware of what *might* cause a problem so you can try eliminating them if you suddenly start having OB's ;)

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I actually found a chart as well, http://www.herpes.com/Nutrition.shtml. I have read that you should do whatever possible to keep herpes dormant. I guess because a lot of people aren't aware if they do have it and because of how easily it is spread, but I am honestly terrified of having having another outbreak. I had never had one until my first outbreak, obviously I was completely unaware that it was there and I ended being hospitalized and literally, I had to teach my body how to eat again because I could not eat anything for almost 2 weeks...it would all come up if I tried to eat. I've never experienced such pain...it was terrible. I do know that stress adds to it so I have taken a work load off to really focus on taking care of myself and my health. Like I said before I'm completely new to this and it almost feels like a fresh start. A good fresh start :) I think I'm going to go with balancing everything out and making sure that I keep eating healthy and every now and then just trying small portions of foods that I know could possibly be a trigger. I guess you'll never really know unless you try so I'm gonna give it a whirl and see if I have any symptoms then I'll pretty much know what's going on with my body.

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Well, your experience of the first OB was very unusual - and I wonder if something else was going on to create your symptoms and that it was THAT that brought on the OB, which likely made everything 10x worse on both sides :/


That's a nice chart - but I doubt most people will want to get *that* crazy with the diet unless they just plain can't get their OB's under control. As you said, it's about BALANCE and eating healthy in general.... and knowing the Top Triggers (ie, the ones with the most Arginine like Chocolate and Nuts.. or the ones at the bottom of that list) and adjusting your diet if you find that you tend to eat those things a lot.

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