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Lyme disease sexually transmitted?

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Hey all you H Oppers! :)


So this is a great example of how stigma can enter a space where it didn't exist before. The adoption of sexual stigma. How stigma and shame are culturally constructed phenomena, not something that just happens by default. For example, the word "herpes" didn't used to carry the shame and stigma that it now does until there was the invention of shame around it in order to sell pharmaceuticals — for more on this, read here: http://herpeslife.com/inventing-herpes/ ...


When you say "lyme disease" does it send you reeling in shame? No? Why not? Because it hasn't been stigmatized. Not yet.


“There is always some risk of getting Lyme disease from a tick bite in the woods,” he said. “But there may be a bigger risk of getting Lyme disease in the bedroom.”


Continue to watch this story and you may be able to see the actual evolution of how sexual shame permeates diseases associated with sex. It's not the diseases themselves. It's the stigma associated with sex. And it's not sex itself, either. It's that sex represents such an intimate exploration of ourselves in connection with others. An exploration of the most vulnerable kind. Sex brings up all of our deepest fears and insecurities about ourselves.


This points to one of the central premises of the Herpes Opportunity. If shame and stigma are ultimately culturally induced hypnosis that we're bad and dirty, then it's a hypnosis that we're ultimately buying into on some level. For the most part, it's on the subconscious level that we aren't even aware of. This cultural shame is seeping into the beliefs that we already have about ourselves that we are unworthy of love and acceptance. And if we are believing that herpes means that we are all these horrible things, then we can learn to reverse those beliefs. It's the beliefs (not herpes) that are having us feel stuck in our lives.


Check out this article about Lyme Disease being potentially sexually transmitted:



And here's a video I made a while back for those who haven't seen it yet to really drive home this point:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I have a partner who is not phased by this, but I live in constant anxiety about somebody else finding out about this and shunning me because of it. I have children and even that worries me, the school mums I feel would not be open minded. I'm just having a crap day

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@trying more have it than you may think. I've told 7 people now. 2 are married to men that have it (one of which waited 3 months after having sex to tell my friend), one has a friend whose daughter has it, one person's sister has it and my other friend told me she has had it for 10+ years. So, 5 out of 7. The other friend I told said (in his true form) "Better get some Valtrex bitch! hahahahahaa". The final person I told was mother, who told me to not use her toilet again and then laughed so hard she almost pee'ed herself. Hey, support comes in all different styles haha I was crying and it was her attempt to make me laugh. I probably would have laughed if she did indeed pee herself :-P


Point is, it's way more common then we know. And herpes certainly does not deserve to run our emotions the way it does,

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