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Efficacy of any future hsv2 vaccine against hsv1?

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Well iv tried doing some research on this but seems as still early to prove it. im not sure whether anyone has any further proof or information to show otherwise.


The question is how would a future licensed hsv2 vaccine perform against hsv1? or would there be the need for an hsv1 vaccine after an effective hsv2 vaccine?


my current thoughts are based on the current existing facts I state below as:


1. almost all existing medications eg: acv and valtrex developed for hsv2 seems to work for hsv1 as well. ( though there are reports of not working for either types, like I seem to have experienced with acyclovir and my hsv1 )


2. it seems all tested but failed hsv2 vaccines so far had some significant efficacy against hsv1 both theraputic and prophylactic wise. A good eg is the GSK's herpevac for hsv2 which failed for hsv2 but had approx 58% hsv1 theraputic efficacy and approx 73-74% hsv1 prophylactic efficacy( in negetive women)

as per below link.




Thus, I am thinking that though hsv1 vaccine would not be difficult to make after an effective hsv2 vaccine, there might not be the need for it.


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This was already discussed somewhere else ... including the relationship of how one vaccine may help to protect against a related virus. There's also some talk about the Shingles vaccine possibly helping to slow the shedding of HSV ....


This should give you a bit of reading for awhile...LOL




Trials Discussions:







http://www.dovepress.com/efficacy-of-the-anti-vzv-anti-hsv3-vaccine-in-hsv1-and-hsv2-recurrent--peer-reviewed-article-OAJCT (Shingles vaccine for HSV? )


All that said, we like to make sure to point out that getting attached to looking/hoping for a "cure" needs to be kept within a reasonable amount of your energy ... I for one have heard of many promised "cures" for the last 35+ years and so far none have come to pass so I for one am not holding my breath ... if it happens, I'll be delighted. But for the most part life goes on for me :)

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Humans are intelligent creatures (or are supposed to be) and we should have power over everything around us, including hsv. Thanks to this forum and everyone here as your support and encouragements greatly empower almost everyone to control their lives rather than letting a virus control/ define them.


Genuine Scientists also being humans, can not continue to fail in their efforts to effectively halt h. A number of hurdles have been overcome over the years through a number of failures......


It does not really help when we get soo obsessed with high hopes or promises of a cure in a specific time frame especially when things dont go as expected.


However, as it happens in solving any crossword puzzle, you can feel it and you can see it when you are getting closer to the solution...( infact at times, you could get very close to it but it could take much longer time than you expected).


So much to talk about until we get there.

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we should have power over everything around us, including hsv.


Well, we DO have the potential for COMPLETE power over it right now. It's called ATTITUDE. Because life throws shit at us and it's up to us to throw that shit right back and not give in to the fear and allowing the opinions of others to run our lives.


Otherwise, this statement feels, to ME (and it's just my opinion, so don't take it personally :) ) a bit arrogant. If you REALLY think we can/should have power over everything, you forget that nature has been around a LOT longer than us and it will ALWAYS be ahead of us ... and IMO having this kind of mindset makes people into more of a victim mindset when they DON'T have control over something... people have come to expect the "experts" to make the "bad things" go away, rather than accepting that shit happens and learning how to accept "what is" rather than attaching to what we feel "should be" (ie, scientist "should have" come up with a cure by now) . It's a very dangerous and slippery slope and I see people fall into the abyss of anger and hopelessness all the time because they don't know how to live in each moment, exactly as it is, when it's not going their way. Which brings people to this statement:


It does not really help when we get soo obsessed with high hopes or promises of a cure in a specific time frame especially when things dont go as expected.




Will we find a cure for H? I personally don't know. The Herpes Virus hasn't been around this long without being pretty damned "smart" .. it found a way to "hide" from our natural defenses by taking up residence in the Ganglion where the T-cells and other defense mechanisms can't go ... and medicine has not managed to find a way in because you really don't want to mess that part of a person up just to kill a virus.


This is why I generally don't pay a lot of attention to the Scientific claims any more of an imminent cure ... (I only know what I know now because so many people want the info on here :p ). If/when it comes, I will be delighted. Until then, I am not counting on anything or anyone to come up with a cure .... I'm living my life all out, every day.

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sorry to anyone if I sounded "a bit arrogant" by that statement.

but, I had more of "Well, we DO have the potential for COMPLETE power over it right now" kind of thought when I actually said that.

I truly understand its not personal...and I genuinely appreciate that perspective. infact I don't even think there is anything good in taking things personal as I learnt after getting H.( my lesson?....well a girl I really loved and trusted dissapointed me and left me without explanation and did not even want me to talk about that, when I disclosed my job loss to her and I took things personal by "hitting on the road"-and met herpes :-* )


its also amazing how the things we say sometimes or most times have different perspectives with individuals...that's a wonderful thing I think bcos it kind of acts as an opportunity to double- check ones statements, not necessarily ones ideas.

For instance, one might feel that, the fact that many promising herpes research have failed over the years does not mean all will fail in the years to come. So one might "bite fingernails" when they hear a good friend say somethin along the lines...." I for one have heard of many promised "cures" for the last 35+ years and so far none have come to pass".....when in fact, all he/she is trying to tell me is not to hold my breath for a promised herpes "cure" and that I should move on with my life.

But its all beautiful....

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@Newlook2013 I don't think it is overly optimistic to expect that an effective HSV2 vaccine will appear on the market in the near future. A vaccine is not a cure. VERY different. For me, it's just as good, maybe even better because we are smart creatures as you say, we can prevent others from suffering from this, physically, emotionally, everything.




We already have a chickenpox vaccine. Chickenpox is Human HerpesVirus 3 (HSV2 is human herpesvirus 2). Mono is human herpes virus 4. Like Dancer said, this virus family has been around a long time.


PS I didn't read your statement as arrogant at all. Maybe mine seems arrogant too.

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@ Cecibuendia, as Dancer say in some other words, herpes rarely change our lives, its our attitude that often changes after herpes and we have the potential to direct our attitudes towards a positive course....and so an approved herpes vaccine will fail to change our lives if we could not hold/direct it now.

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