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single again but now alone with H

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yeah.. finally we broke up.. i think only our relationship was only compassion and guilt.. now im feeling very sad.. and alone with my secret,, specially cuz im in the best age of my life... a lot of guys calle me to invite me to go out.. but i cant go out cuz i know my reality,.. and i dont want to disclose never.... i decided not dating anymore and live alone forever.. really im talking seriously...thanks for your support.

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Your situation is definitely a difficult one, but rest assured that there are loving and accepting people out there. You can use your situation as a "filter" to filter out those who are unwilling to be accepting of you because those people are just not right for you anyway. I know it's easier said than done.. but try to keep your head up and know that 1. There's nothing wrong with you, you ARE NOT damaged 2. You deserve love

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Awww - sorry friend!


You really need to get it that you CAN find love - and while I know you don't want to have "the talk" - it's a great way to find the guys who are into YOU (as opposed to those who want to GET INTO you ;)


For now though, look for a H+ dating site and join it (when you have had time to process this break-up) ... it may help you to get some of your mojo back ... but I remind you again, read all the Success Stories that you can on here ... many of us have found love and had great relationships with Herpes ... please don't let H cause you to draw away from finding love.... because you deserve to find love friend :)



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