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I told my mom I have herpes

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It's been awhile since I've been on. As most know I just moved half way cross the country. My mom came to visit :) we were discussing make up and she told me her lipstick gives her coldsores.. I'm laughing standing next to her and say that's herpes. We go back and forth couple times. Her saying no me saying yes... explaining it's common she says whatever you have herpes I said actually I do.. she turned and looked at me I guess to see if I'm lying she says no you don't. I said actually I do. Explained my distance from the family during my diagnosis the depression then the acceptance. I told her statistics. The fear of her judging me was all for nothing.. she said it is what it is.. I feel like a huge relief is off of me... it's out there. Ugh don't feel like I'm hiding it anymore. Asked her not to tell my sister. Unfortunately my sister is not understanding. She is younger with 2 kids if she thought I could give them h I'd never be well owed to see my nieces when I go home. Even tho its down south she would not beleive they wouldn't get it... even a doctor could tell her that she would disagree. Yes she's that person whose always right even if there's hard proof. So I'd rather have the relationship with my nieces. But good news is. It's OUT THERE!!!!!! 25 years old and afraid to tell my mom about herpes


Well done! :) Glad she reacted so well!


I'm 21, got it when I was 19, and was also afraid to tell my mom back then, as she's very decent and I was scared she might think I had been fooling around and acted irresponsible. When I went to the docter, I didn't realise the medical bill would still be sent to her instead of me because I was under her insurance. So a few months later she asked me what that medical bill was for.... Embarrassing!! But she also responded fine.

Conclusion: don't be so scared of telling those people that are close to you.

As for your sister; I can see why you don't want her to know anyway... Pity there are such strong false assumptions in the world.


She's like that about everything. Not sure why but she's a know it all.. I'm glad it went good too. Oh the look on her face when she realized she has it orally was priceless. But then she told me about her on again off again guy saying he had bumps so I think it clicked for her. She's understanding it was just all in my head. Once I became ok with H it is easier to get other people to see H isn't so bad. Sucks but not the end of the world. Just a bump in it. Lol pun intended ;)


Well done @hope29!!!


Just one point - *if* your sister finds out tell her that your mother also has it (and hers is in an area where kids would more likely come in contact) and that neither of you ever got it from her ... just a quick "come-back" for you it that ever arises ;)

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