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Why is this happening???

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I had to use the restroom and I knew it was going to burn. So I put a shirt in my mouth to reduce the scream so my daughter wouldn't hear. It burned so bad I screamed louder, she heard me and took off crying... now I'm crying.. she is only 10 months but she can sense when I'm not feeling well and it affects her... why is this happening, when will this pain go away... I haven't been able to fully play with her, pick her up for almost a week... I know the H wont go away but I just want to take care of my daughter...

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It sounds gross but fill a large pot with warm water and sit down in it and pee in there. It minimizes the pain. Also, I use the squeeze bottle that the hospital gives you when you give birth, to squirt on your stitches when you pee. It works for herpes lesions too. Epsom salt baths are really soothing and help dry up the sores. So do antivirals. Hope some of this helps...

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Hey beebee,

This sounds tough.

I'm sure we've all been there in one way or another...

Under these situations, venting needs to be one of the first things we should do.

Let it out of your system.

Tell us a little more about your story.

It's not only helpful for you, but it's helpful for the rest of us to know where you are physically and emotionally. That's where real help and healing begins.


It feels like this is above all an extremely emotional situation for you and you little girl at the moment, is that correct? If so, would you be able to tell us more about it?

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@sadpanda I actually just did my first Epsom salt in the bucket they give you to pee in once I gave birth, I think I still have my bottles as well.... are you supposed to bleed after you get up because I seen a little blood and it freaked me out...

@kilogold is very emotional, I just found out yesterday morning that I had the H. I'm.still not comfortable with the other word... I went to the hospital thinking I had just a UTI and that Medicine wasn't working so I went back and found out that I had the H.... been crying ever since. It sucks cause I'm in so much pain I can barely do anything with my daughter. I can barely eat...

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Did they not prescribe pain medicine? It's been years since my first OB but for some reason I think I had pain pills. If the pain is that debilitating, that it's interfering with taking care of your daughter or yourself, I'd see if it's an option for you.


If you don't like the idea of narcotics, maybe some type of OTC herbal pain relief?

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Sorry - I've been out of town for the weekend and just now catching up....and I'll have to keep this short cause I'm WAAAY behind!


Likely your bleeding was because your blisters have become open sores... keep up the Epsom Salts baths, use a blow drier to dry the area after each bath and when you go pee ... and go commando when you can. LOTS of other suggestions below of things that have worked for others like Tea Tree oil and Coconut oil ... you will have to try things out and find what works for YOU :)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum








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