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Herpes outbreak: Epson Salt, stinging??

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I was just diagnosed and will a particularly large outbreak (vag lips and anus) lots o leisions. I am in constant stinging pain 24/7 and haven't gotten a good nights sleep in 3 days. I've tried ice packs, and Tylenol 3 but nothing is touching this discomfort. I've searched a bunch of forums and saw a lot of people suggested Epson salts, so I bought some. Did the whole warm water and got in but it still stung. I saw that you should stay in for at least an hr so that's what I did but it never waned. Is it normal for it to sting when you have open sores? What can I do to get some relief? It's starting to effect my work. Oh and to make matters worse I just started my period so being able to "air out" is a little difficult.

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Yes, it's likely to sting while you have open sores.

It might be worth seeing your doc and getting a script for acyclovir. They might also prescribe some lidocaine gel for you that should numb things up slightly.


For me, after the flu-like symptoms subsided, my actual outbreak (the worst of it) was only a few days - but there were dozens of lesions. I actually had started taking antivirals before more than 1 lesion erupted - so it knocked it out fairly quickly.


Please keep us posted on how you're doing. Hang in there.

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yeah, I saw the dr yesterday (roughly 4 or 5 day in, didn't know what it was). I'm on Acyclovir 3x a day for 10 days and Metronidazole 2x a day for 7days. I'm just tired of being uncomfortable 24/7 and my bf is being super supportive but kinda tired of hearing about it too. But the pain, not the disease, is always pretty far forward in my attn. I still have the chills on occasion.


Thanks for letting me know that's normal. All I was reading was cooling & calming and I was getting more frustrated. Glad I stuck out the hour, hoping it will help dry things up.

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I'm going to post a whole pile of suggestions of things that have helped people on here ... and yes, Epsom Salts are a favorite and it WILL sting with an open wound but it should help to dry it out ...but make sure that after you get out you dry the area well with a hair drier on low ... and I know it's tough with being on your period but try to go commando when you can....



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil







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Did you mention to the dr about some Percocet for the pain? Try Motrin sometimes it works better than Tylenol. Wear skirt or dress to work with cotton undies. This way will be comfortable and providing air flow. The pain should be letting up in another day or so. Hang in there, you are one strong trooper.

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Day 7 on antibiotics and I'm finally getting some good sleep and swelling has finally going down. The epson salts has helped a ton, just soldiering thru the stinging has really paid off as have my bf's basketball shorts, lol I also found a 6% solution of tea tree oil which has also helped. All the suggestions have been great. They only thing that helped me sleep through the pain was Percocet, got it from dr. 7.5 worked like a charm for 6hrs, the Tylenol 3 didn't even touch it

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