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Do nerve pain meds mask prodomes?

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Uh - honey - the nerve pain meds are there to get rid of the pain so yes, you won't have that prodrome ... AND ... most people have NO IDEA when they are shedding anyway ... and so far you have swabbed multiple times with your nerve pain and they have always been negative so I don't see the point of not taking something that would bring you some level of comfort....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't taken anything yet


Was in famvir still having lots of breakthrough symptoms even on suppression at ob dosage. This week switchs to acyclovir. I suspect the same will happen.


I have to get off meds soon to swab all these stupid bumps I am getting. Once I do that will go back on acyclovir.


Nothing's working really. Breakthru symptoms. High frequency of recurrence likely 3 or 4 times daily of prodome 1.5 years after primary


Am gonna try for one last romp in the sack with my fwb and then I really don't know what to do.


It's hard to beat the depressions when ob and symptoms are frequent.


Really wish there would be some hope out there with sthng.

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I know how your feeling @whitedaisies I had to go see my psychologist yesterday because I've been feeling really down to the point of contemplating suicide. I Don't care that I have herpes I've fully accepted it, it's just this horrendous nerve pain that's getting me so down :( it's impossible to exercise or date anyone.

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I think it's great u are going into therapy. I am at two days a week for a year.


I agree I have accepted herpes and I know enough about it if I had a few ob I could deal. But this is slow torture.


I have a fwb now and it's exhausting trying to figure out when to have sex etc. I am almost ready to end it because the stress of it all is just too much.


I have very frequent ob and prodome


The pain will go away. It will. It took me about 11 months. The prodomes and stuff I dunno. I have developed a 5 year plan for myself. Saying to myself I can handle this for 5 years. I am giving my body 5 years to get this shit under control. I am in 1.5 and hoping the next 3.5 my body will learn to handle it and I will be able to emotionally deal.


We need to develop coping mechanisms to help us. My advice is don't look too far ahead about relationships etc. take each day as it comes.


I really feel for you. Of course suicide isn't an answer but I totally get the negative thoughts. I have them myself. But hope of a better day keeps me going. And I know you will get there too



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Do u have frequent outbreaks or just nerve issues?


Most of my post herpetic neuralgia stopped around 11 to 12 months.


Now I just get frequent ob and don't seem to have the lingering nerve issues. If I can improve I think you will too.


Chin up. Be sad and then fight back!!! I go through periods of extreme sadness too but I am fighting to regain my life back and working really hard. Haven't given up on sex even though I kick and scream about it. I refuse to let this virus take everything away I want. Not ending it with fwb. I am good in the sack....he benefits so why shouldn't i. I will have an outbreak after and that's just what it is.


You will get back to a better place. Try maybe new meds as 2lefit2quit suggests. And go to therapy as it really helps to have someone listen.


Today is a good day for me. I am having more good days than bad. It's taken long but I am here.


I am sending u a big virtual hug!!

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