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Herpes inside mouth

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Hi I haven't been on here for a while. I have question about herpes inside mouth . I got oral herpes from a girl friend I was seeing at that time . she had a cold sore and I waited for 7 days and then kissed her after assuming I was safe. I didn't take it seriously cause I knew almost everyone had it and I probably have it too. I got very sick and got it inside my mouth 1 on cheek , tongue and 1 outside . that was almost a year ago . I had very weird symptoms I had nerve pain for 2 months . it felt like my face was burning . As outbreaks I feel like I have been getting inside of my mouth and never outside . I had a very painful tongue and I'm getting confused if they are cold sore or canker sore. I had the worst tongue outbreak this august and it was a small ulcer it looked white and looked like my taste bud was enlarge it was soo painful. and after that was gone I have red dots on the roof of my mouth I went to dentist and he said it cant be herpes even when I told him I had it. he diagnosed that as blood blister of some kind that some people get and that its normal. My primary infection was inside and out and I heard people get it inside when they have primary infection exceptionally children cause there immune system is weak is that true ? Did this girl ruin my life and give me a very big dose of herpes virus and that's why I'm getting these things? Am I different than others that get cold sores ? And even if you get the virus doesn't your body throw some of the virus particles away ? how does it make difference of the amount of the virus you got from someone when that virus is active it makes millions of new viruses anyways? is there a test that would measure how much amount of the virus you got ?? ohh and also when I had it on my tongue it looked like the biggest canker sore i ever had and it looked yellow . I never had it like that after . and herpes don't like the mucus membrane it rather be on the outside right ? sorry I'm all over the place with the questions . I have so manny to ask and so little comfort .

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@dancer will have more info for you on this but I wanted to start by saying it doesn't "sound" like herpes at all. I'm not saying you don't have hsv1 but it is highly probable that the symptoms you describe are something else entirely. You can have the sores swabbed when they are active to determine if they are herpes or not. I would recommend seeing and infectious disease doctor to get more tests and a diagnosis. Have you been tested for herpes at all yet or did you just assume that's what it is? You need to get tested if you haven't already. As for the amount of the virus you got.....there isn't really such a thing.....meaning, you only need to be exposed to "enough" of the virus to contract it, there is no superdose of herpes :). How your body reacts is about YOUR body, not a superdose of herpes from your giver. And regardless, she didn't ruin your life, you just have to figure out what it is then you can figure out how to manage it. Once you get things under control you will be just fine. You will be among the 80% of the population and life will resume to normal. Trust me.

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Ok, but don't assume all the outbreaks in your mouth are herpes. It's not uncommon to have other infections over and above the herpes. You need to be officially diagnosed one way or the other then you can try antivirals to see if they help you handle the symptoms. They are generally very effective!

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I agree with @fitgirl ... if you have not been officially diagnosed I'd get the next "outbreak" swabbed ...


*Most* sores inside the mouth are Canker sores ... I *have* heard of a few people who had them swabbed and it was H but that's very, very unusual. Now, it's not unusual to have canker sores AND Herpes OB (on the outside) at the same time because the stress that brings one out can bring the other out.


Most people that make it to adulthood without getting oral H won't get it ... but again, it CAN happen ... if your immune system was compromised, you may well have got it but I wonder if you are having something else going on.... a swab of an active OB is your best bet right now ... a blood test won't tell you WHERE you have Herpes and in this case I'd rather have a swab to confirm exactly what is going on ...


And honey, the girl didn't ruin your life. For one thing, 8 out of 10 girls that you have kissed will have been carrying HSV1 oral ... most wouldn't have known it. If you got it from her, it's just plain bad luck... you could have got it from any of those other girls you've kissed. Or your Auntie or friends growing up (I got H1 Oral at age 4...60% of all young people have it by the time they are young adults). And I get it that you are having crappy symptoms ... but over time, if it's H. it *should* settle down. Perhaps you have some other immune issue going on that's allowing the virus to create more havoc in your body than it normally would. Either way, if you got it from her, it's not her fault, and your life isn't ruined. Inconvenienced and temporarily challenged, perhaps, but not "ruined" ...



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BTW, try gargling with Salt Water when you have internal OB's (though you will need to allow one to develop to get the swab) ... and get REAL yogurt (if you can find a locally made one or make it yourself, that's best...because you need GOOD LIVE cultures) ... and swish/eat that ... I've had yeast infections in my mouth and cleared them with yogurt .. :)

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I know its herpes cause she had one at the time . I waited for like a week and she still had it . it was in healing stage and she had a very little scab. very stupid thing to do but I thought it was not contagious anymore and i thought all this time I had it and was immune to it and almost everyone has it so I did not make a big deal about it and just didn't care. I'm gonna ask about this to infection specialist but i don't have insurance till January. Herpes doesn't like to stay inside the mouth right ? . I never even knew you could get it inside your mouth.

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and I'm not a person that does stupid things like sleep around with as Manny people and not be cautious . I take this stuff seriously. your health is everything. I just did not see cold sore as a big deal because almost everyone has it and I use to read you can even catch it without sores . its something I'm gonna get or something I already have that's how I looked at it . I just didn't know

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Again... until you get it swabbed, you don't know for sure that it's Herpes ... Herpes generally doesn't like the inside of the mouth, and from what I understand, once a primary OB is over, if you DID get it orally, odds are against you getting OB's in the mouth again...


Have you tried Planned Parenthood? They will often do tests for a far reduced price and let you pay it off over time... I went there for my last tests and they only charged me half and I paid it off $20/month.


And even if you DO have it inside the mouth, that is no worse than outside the mouth ...if anything you will shed less inside the mouth than externally, so please stop overthinking this and feeling your life would be over if you have it inside the mouth. The thing is, you were right before you got it regarding not seeing it as being a big deal ... and now that you have it, you are buying into the stigma ... and yes, odds were it was something you had or would get anyway ... so why are you now getting so worked up about this (if you have it)?


Check this out for a reality check:



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