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In so much pain... and trying to hide it from everyone.

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This is my first outbreak. I have been trying to cope and when I first went to planned parenthood, she said it looked like either the very end or the very beginning. Unfortunately, it was the beginning. Everything is getting worse. I feel like I can barley move and I don't even want to go to the bathroom even though I have an urge to do so frequently. I have no one. My boyfriend won't get tested and he'll barely even look at me, the one and only time we talked about it he told me he wasn't mad, like this is all on me right? What if he gave this to me? Why does it even matter? We'll never know anyways. I don't know where to turn or what to do. I'm just trying to get through this outbreak without completely losing my mind.

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Go get yourself some Epsom salt and soak in the bath as long as possible and as much as possible. Take 800mlg of motrin every 4hrs, use a cold pack w paper towels to play between your legs while lying down, purchase Bactine spray to slray and help w numbing and Vaseline helps me w providing a protective coating from friction and your urine stream. Also peeing in a shallow bath will help w the pain as well.


Your bfs behavior sounds suspicious, as I've seen this so much. Right now just try and get through this and deal w that after. The rest you just have to wait it out doll, I'm sorry. Hang in there, we are there for you.

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I have a 2 year old who uses that bath, and I know the virus only lasts 10 seconds on surfaces, but it still makes me nervous. Is that an irrational fear? If it'll be fine I'll try the bath thing tonight. Also I considered buying gloves to use when going to the restroom and I wasnt sure if that is necessary either. But if I'm going to be applying things to that general area I assume it couldn't hurt.



Also, thank you. You have no idea how much your response means to me.

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No, nobody can get it from sharing baths, toilets, polls or hit tubs. If that were the case, we would all have it by now.


Nope, gloves are not necessary, just wash your hands thoroughly and be careful w open wounds on your hands, until your body can build antibodies to the virus. During my primary OB, I did use gloves to apply stuff, just because I was broken out so bad. We all worry irrationally about it when we first get it. It is totally normal that people feel like a contagious leper at first, but it's not true. Hang in there.. Sending hugs.

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My initial outbreak was also extremely uncomfortable. I invested in a "peri" bottle ($1) from my local pharmacy and use it to squirt water on myself while I pee which takes the sting away. Otherwise keep everything as dry and aired out as possible. It won't last forever, I promise. And the darkness in your mind won't last forever either. Take care of yourself physically first. Get lots of rest, eat super-healthy, drink lots of water. Love yourself.<3

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I used one of those and they never really helped me. ): Thank you though! I've been reading a lot about how this feeling doesn't last forever, about how you move forward eventually. I fear I'm just stuck in a bad place right now, and the pain doesn't help either. I'm just hoping it's over soon.

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Everyone has different approaches, I can tell you for me, that drying out my sores w air makes them excruciatingly painful. Like a nerve being exposed to air. Using Epsom salt baths and bactine will act as drying agents, w out adding the additional pain of air drying. Others who use Vaseline during the worst periods, seem to get relief. I have tried airing and not, at the end of the day, the airing doesn't matter. As long as the virus is present and active, it will stay there. This isn't healing from the outside in, but from the inside out and I do not agree w the method of treating it like it's a burn blister, which is drying it out. I've seen those w the same sore for 3 months straight. Why is that? Because the Virus wouldn't go back into dormancy., didn't matter how much they were drying it. I personally feel it causes more unnecessary pain. I recommend trying both options for a day and see what feels most comfortable to you.


This is why herpes creams are ineffective, because you can't treat something to heal from the outside, that's taking place from the inside. To me this is logical

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Sitz baths are extremely helpful. I put Epson salt and tea tree oil in mine. ACV stings like a b***h but it'll dry the sores out quickly too (dilute it though!!!). I used the babyganics protective ointment to avoid chaffing, stayed on top of my pain killers, and drank a TON of water to keep my urine at a low acidity. Squat wide and lean forward when you urinate to avoid contact with the rest of your vulva. Wipe very gently too... Just pat. Don't even wipe. I also blow dried on a low warm setting after I peed. It sounds like a lot and is emotionally exhausting, but you're not alone. I promise, it gets easier.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I'm late to the conversation ... been out of town dealing with family stuff... but these links will give you more ideas about how to attack the virus from the outside. I find that if I attack it early and hard with whatever I know works for me, I can reduce the OB to a minimum most of the time....And you get a feeling that you have at least *some* control of the situation.




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






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  • 3 weeks later...

My doc gave me a prescription for lidocaine jelly and it helped immensely. When she put it in my in the ER I literally peed my pants (tmi) but I hadn't peed in like 18 hours and she put it on and I was able to go. Ask

For that!

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