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How Asymtomatic is "Asymptomatic"?

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I read about "Asymptomatic" and question whether or not this actually means 100% that you can't tell the virus is shedding, or if we are told that it is because most people don't check for the right thing or aren't aware of when they are shedding in between outbreaks.


Does anyone know how they arrived at "Asymptomatic", and how accurate that phrase is?


Perhaps that term was thrown out there because coming up with a generalized way of detecting when you are shedding was too difficult, like may different people can tell they are shedding differently, as precautionary way of letting people know that there are still times when it's contagious sans outbreaks.


Also, could there be a way to tell if you are shedding- like some kind of home test or swipe you could do?


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Asymptomatic means NO SYMPTOMS ...


It is VERY accurate...I can't remember where I saw it but it's *thought* that of the 80% who don't know they have herpes, about 80% of them are truly symptom-less and the other 20% likely had *something* happen that they overlooked or were mis-diagnosed.


Asymptomatic is the word the CDC, Westover Heights, Dr Peter Leone, and other EXPERTS use because it's the ACCURATE word for shedding with NO symptoms.


You really are determined to try to find ANY excuse to not disclose, aren't you? You keep questioning everything that we tell you... and honey, after 35 years with this, I've pretty much read it all and as an Advocate and Coach so has @Adrial. We don't throw out words willy-nilly ... we make sure what we are passing on is as accurate as we can get with the info we get from the Herpes Researchers and actual research....


And no, there's not a test to tell when you are shedding.... if there was, don't you think we would have mentioned it by now?

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That study was a medical publication that I had to download... You're asking me for research I've done a yr ago.. I've saved so many things, that I wouldn't be able to find it quickly and I have been working morning to night for two months ths now, including weekends. When I have laws in installation or testing of my technology solution, I am able to jump in here real quick or when the vendor is taking control. It would be beneficial if you learn to research on your own and not always rely in others to give you information. By my doing that, is how I learned as much as I have, ever before coming to these forums. You have to get creative w what you type in Google or the same old websites will pop up. If I have time,no will see if I can find it, but I don't put anything here, that I have no read from a real study performed. I believe it was a study done in Japan, as they have an even higher prevalence ofof herpes than us other westernized countries have. That is also howi learned in that particular study, that on average, those w ghsv2 in Japan, had 2-3 different strains of HSV 2. I also know that they have more variant strains in numbers than we have in the states and them being the highest.. These are things I recall from reading the study a yr ago.. I'm not ready g websites.. I was actually going to places that takes a lot of digging and a large PDF dow load. These are not from a quick Google search of the first or second google search page.


Try to Google Japanese ghsv 2 shedding study and see if that turns anything up

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