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Just Some General Venting

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I'm about 15 months out, and feel like I am still constantly battling this crap. My vagina hasn't felt normal in almost 5 months. I do a lot to maintain my health and have many different stress reduction techniques, but just can't seem to get a handle. I am taking 1000 mg of valcyclovoir, but that only seems to do so much. Wondering if I should just go off of it and let my body take the lead, but then I am afraid it will get worse. I did really well for a while, but now, not so much. I moved and started a new job recently, but I've also been cognizant of resting and making sure I have fun and relaxing stuff to do as well. I know it's not really a big deal, but I just want to feel normal for a while. Can I expect this to ever calm down? Or is this going to be a constant? So frustrated.

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No telling hun.. For the vast majority, it's not a big deal and then fkr very few of us, it is. I'm 16 mo ths out and I still have never been the same and have constant symptoms. I take daily meda as well. I quit meds in Feb to see what my body would do and I developed deep anal fisures, but they didn't hurt, hut wouldn't go away for the ko ths not on meds. Then when I did any physical activity, I dvwekoped chronic fatigue severely. I knew at that point, I had to get back on. Although I have constant symptoms on meds, they weren't that bad. It's up to you to give it a shot. May I ask how old you are? Do you have any underlying health issues or autoimmune issues? Do you have 1 or 2?

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Yes, things calmed down for me since quitting coffee. Not all gone, but I was having constant and noticeable obs. It's worth a shot. I will say, the two weeks of headaches was not that pleasant. I may still have it a couple times a week. I switched to those refresher drinks at Starbucks that have caffeine and it doesn't seem to have caused am issue thus far.

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