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Oral sex

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Sorry for the brief post, i was in a hurry.


So... My bf and i have been unprotected sex for a year, including him giving me oral sex.


I was completely blindsided with a positive hvs2 blood test last month. He is negative.

I suspect its a very old infection and i have never had an ob (possibly internal ob that i mistook for infection, but ive never had a lesion)

Anyway... Since hsv2 prefers genitals, and i appear to be low on the contageous spectrum, whats the level of risk if he gives me oral unprotected? He wants to do it (so do i lol) but i really really dont want to infect anyone.

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i am not sure, my labs just sais above 5


Short version is that i had unprotected sex 20 years ago and 3 days later had what i thought was a bacterial infection that appeared to be corrected by antibiotics. Since that time i have not had sex without triggering this infection (docs were giving antibiotics without labs. Treating by my report of symptoms). In the past 4 years or so the antibiotics quit working. I thought i had developed resistant bacteria even though labs were sometimes negative.I suspect it was herpes all along. Maybe an internal outbreak or some other atypical expression of the virus. Recently diagnosed with blood test.

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Ok - so above 5 is definitely positive... we ask when people are asymptomatic because there's a 40% chance of a false positive under a 3.5 result in anyone with zero symptoms... in which case we suggest the Western Blot test.


So - oral sex. Just be "sensible" ... if you have any cuts, pain, rashes, etc, don't chance it. But with HSV2, only about 1% of all oral herpes is H2 ... it just plain doesn't like that area.


Think about this... you've gone this long and not passed it to the BF - so, don't "overthink" it now - just be AWARE of your body and if you are not sure, find another way to get yer freak on :)




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5807/list-the-ways-to-protect-my-partner-from-getting-herpes-hsv2 Safe alternatives to sex



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