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Genital HSV 2 and Oral Sex Confusion

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Btw.. I only see where it mentions transmitting oral HSV 1 to the genitals, not have 2. I see it mentions if someone who has genital herpes, the opposite is true, that they can get cold sores from oral sex. They didn't say it was hsv2. I took it as soneone w ghsv 1, can give someone oral HSV 1 from oral sex.


Funny, you've been really quiet and last night I started to wonder about you and make sure you were ok.. Now I know my answer, which is good. Merry Xmas!

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The bottom line is that there is a 1% chance of getting HSV2 orally ... the lowest of all the herpes risks.... and given you are on antivirals, that halves that risk ... so you should be fine. As usual, disclose the risk, but you can tell them that odds are they have been exposed (possibly many times) to it before if they like giving oral and odds are the other person wasn't on antivirals...


So - yes, you can have blowjobs :)


Dr Leone Info: Oral Sex discussion Dr Leone - go to 19m45s to see the part about blow jobs from the Doc himself


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  • 1 month later...

This is great info. As someone who is HSV2+ and HSV1-, it sounds like mutual oral sex would actually be riskier for me (since most people have HSV1) than for a HSV2- partner, and I am comfortable taking that risk. So this seems like something that could be a nice way to ease into a sexual relationship when there is uncertainty about emotional investment. Mutual oral sex but hold off on intercourse until there is more certainty or to allow time to start Valtrex.

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