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I scheduled an appointment with my gyno this past week, my first since my diagnosis at the hospital in December. Let me say first, my doctor is awesome. In no way did he make me feel awkward, dirty or judged. He treated me as I had come in to treat a uti or the common cold. He gave me a little info, told me to come back when my outbreaks came back so we could test what type I have. The nurse however was completely unprofessional. Before my doctor came in, she spoke to me and took my blood pressure and asked a few questions etc. During my time with my doctor however, she gave me the dirtiest looks, she stepped away from me as if I could infect her from breathing the same air. Mind you, my break out is cleared up - after my exam the doctor even said they couldn't tell what type I had since there wasn't anything to sample. After my appointment, I dressed and stepped into the hall where the nurse was also walking toward the room. She glanced at me, made a face and couldn't keep eye contact and made a massive effort to step away from me. Working in a field where you're going to come across this, I'm surprised she behaved that way with me. I was furious and deeply embaressed. It was hard enough to go to my appointment, and as we all know the first breakout and weeks of finding out we have herpes is shocking, uncomfortable and emotionally draining. I really didn't need someone from a medical background to treat me differently. Has anyone else every experienced this going to a doctors office? I'm not changing my gyno, he was great. Next time she's there however, I'll ask for a different nurse. If she doesn't want to be there and treat me, I don't need her either.

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You need to calm and complain about her asap! Completely unprofessional! Was this in the ER? I have had the rudest nurses in the ER before. F'ing bitch. Too bad I wasn't there w you, cause I'd probably cursed her out for doing that to you. I am so sorry you had to go through that, you don't deserve that. Was she an older nurse? You need to call and ask to speak to the office manager and report her. Also mention that you don't want her on your future appts either.

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No this was at my gyno. This is the only person I've spoken to who had this reaction. A part of me wanted to call and complain, my hesitation is drawing more attention to myself than neccesary. If she's present during my appointment and asking to take my vitals, I'll ask for someone else. This is so unprofessional, don't people know what they are getting into when they enter the medical field? I can't imagine her reaction to someone with something life threatening.

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This isn't "drawing attention to yourself" - this is drawing attention to an insensitive nurse. Definitely send a complaint in... the next person may not be lucky enough to have a support system like you do. Given how many people are suicidal when they get their diagnosis, the Dr needs to make sure she's not on "H duty" in the future ...

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So yestersay I went ahead and called, both of you were completely right - what if someone else did go in with either H or really anything else and had the same reaction and wasn't able to handle it. I called and spoke to an office coordinator. She was very apologetic and surprised that this was the treatment I had recieved. She also informed me that there would be a note to file that this nurse will not be helping in any of my appointments going foreword

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Good for you! Hope it helped you to feel comfortable for next time. At the very least this nurse needs to know she was insensitive so it doesn't happen for another patient.


Reminded me of this story because hopefully the nurse at your doc's can learn to be more aware for future patients.


Just after my H diagnosis I had to go to the ER for a different issue. I was speaking with a nurse,going over history while getting some monitors, blood pressure, etc set up. When I told her I just finished a course of Valacyclovir, she asked what for (shingles, HSV1, etc) and put on latex gloves. But immediately she looked up from her gloves and said, "Oh sorry, the gloves aren't because of that. It's just procedure for getting everything set up."

I personally wasn't thinking anything of it, but I'm glad she was aware that it might have been taken wrong and wanted me to feel comfortable.

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