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Has anyone tried dental dam or Saran Wrap for oral sex?

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I have been reading about the use of dental dams and Saran Wrap for oral sex. My boyfriend who is H- is reluctant to go down on me which is a problem for me. I am HSV1+ (lifelong) and HSV2+ (at least 13 years), take daily Valtrex. Anyone tried dental dams? Seems awkward and not nearly as much fun.

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He needs a reality check - if he's willing to kiss you with HSV1 oral, but not go down on you with HSV2 genital, he's actually at more "risk" to get HSV1 oral (or even genital if you give him oral) from you.... HSV2 VERY rarely spreads to the mouth (less than 2% of all oral H is HSV2)... it just doesn't like it there.


That said, 60% of young people have HSV1 by the time they are young adults and 80% of them don't know they have it... and the carriers rise to 80% as you approach age 50. Point being, odds are he's kissed plenty of people with HSV1 and it sounds like he hasn't got it .... and odds are also that he's gone down on someone at some point that had HSV2 genitally and didn't know it.


On top of that, you are on the antivirals, so all your risks of passing are reduced by at least 50%.


Point being, he needs to take a chill pill. Or be honest with you if he just plain doesn't like to give oral (which I wonder if that's the real issue here) .... he has a better chance of being injured in a car accident than him getting H from you from Oral Sex :)





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