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Transmission from genital to mouth

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Hi ,

I was diagnosed with GHSV1 in November 2015, but doing the timeline in my head I think I contracted it in March 2015. I am on suppressive medications, probiotics, lysine, and multi vitamins . I was wondering if it was possible (as long as I am not having an OB) if my boyfriend gave me oral sex, then kissed me , would I get HSV on my lips? I'm not sure if I'm over thinking anything.

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Once the virus is established (about 4-6 months) you have antibodies.... so odds are your body would fight off anything that was transferred to your mouth. I would suggest that you don't do anything with a full-on outbreak, as that is when the body is shedding on steroids.... there's less virus present in asymptomatic shedding, so between that, and the fact that most of the virus doesn't live long outside of the body, and that you would have antibodies, odds are in your favor for not transmitting to the mouth.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey @Msw_1, to answer your question: The answer is yes. But think about it: 80% of Americans already have oral HSV-1, so have your partner get a blood test to see if they carry antibodies for HSV-1. If they already have it, then no worries. And if they don’t have it, they are still running the same risk of getting oral HSV-1 by kissing any of the 80% of people out there who have cold sores. It’s the same strain of the virus, but in different locations, so whether someone gets HSV-1 from going down on someone or kissing someone, it’s the same thing.


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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The vast majority of people already have oral HSV-1. Many of those infected have never had an OB (or did when they were a kid and don't remember it). Sadly, some unlucky people get recurrent oral OBs of HSV-1 (oral HSV-2 is rare and tends to not have recurrent OBs).


So odds are you already have oral HSV-1, and had it long before your genital HSV-1 infection. Unfortunately, there's no way for you to know if you have oral HSV-1 because testing will only reveal that you have HSV-1 somewhere in your body, which you already know.


I would seriously not worry about contracting oral HSV-1. Odds are you already have it and if you don't have oral OBs, I wouldn't think you will ever get them. Sounds like you are taking good care of yourself and like WCSDancer said, you already have antibodies, furthering your resistance.

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