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Going condomless?

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Hey, I was wondering to hear about people's stories and thoughts about eventually going condom-less? I've talked to some people who, after a few years, got to know their body well enough and only used condoms during outbreaks. Some people even put liquid bandaid on that area. Does anyone have stories (hopefully success) about going condom-less? Thoughts? Thank you!


That depends on the relationship. If you are talking about casual sex, there are risks there for you as well. But it's really up to you both. In a long term relationship- most likely the condoms will come off. How else do you have kids etc. I have never used one since diagnosis (but I was married).


I'm cautious about doing raw on casual sex with stranger not so much for them but for me. I have had raw sex with a few girls since getting diagnosed. Obviously it feels better, but I don't like the HIV - herpes connection.


Me too. I think about casual sex and have an issue with trusting people to know what they really have. It's scary that we are more susceptible for other STDs now.


I dislike condoms, I'm not saying that I wouldn't use them, but the thought of that barrier day after day is damn depressing if you ask me. I just don't even bother looking, I'm not ready for that disappointment yet. (I may be selfish, but I'm honest). I'm working on it.

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