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My 11 year old shared my used razor!!

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Could someone please please put my mind at rest. I left a razor I used on my bikini line a few days ago in the shower and my curious on the brink of puberty 11 year old daughter used it to shave off her (very fine) vaginal hair. When I confronted her about it, bless her heart, she burst into tears and said "It's because I don't want to grow up!"

I have had no outbreaks recently but I'm scared that her using my razor could possibly transmit something. I checked her for nicks and cuts and I don't see anything. I'm GHSV2 for nearly 20 years.

Please please I would appreciate an answer even if this seems like a dumb question.


Miji69 It's my understanding that the virus will only live longer than 10 seconds if it's in a warm, moist environment. I don't think that would be true of a razor, so it doesn't sound like a risk to me, though I understand why you would be nervous about it.


@optimist Thank you so much for your reassurance. At the back of my mind I knew this to be true but when it comes to your kids...... Still, gave her a talk re sharing things like that and it being ok to grow up! :-)


there is no such thing as a dumb question !

There has never been a documented case of hsv being transmitted via an inanimate object

With that being said, I would still have a serious talk with her in references to sharing razors, even though it was yours, she should be treating your razor just like anyone else's, using universal precautions....don't do it, blood borne pathogens can be transmitted this way as well as bacteria etc.



@MMissouri @Bambina3 thank you for your support and yes that discussion has been had. Time too to have some other chats about lots of other stuff too!

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