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Aimee (previously baffled1

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Everything posted by Aimee (previously baffled1

  1. he and i split in May. i am an empath with abilities . empaths are targets for sociopaths. this has made the complete break from him difficult. i kept talking to him because i choose the leesor of 2 evils. the drama and nonstop craziness was less severe if i acknowledged him. In recent months i had stated the slow complete removal of him out of my life. taking the lesser of two evils isnt healthy/good for me either. when our civil suit is settled, he will have to leave me alone. a trustee and an account etc will be set up for the lifetime support/care for this. Im sorry that I dont share your view on getting herpes doing me a favor. forgiving him will never happen. I cant forgive someone for knowingly gving me an incureable disease. The only forgiveness there could possibly be in time is giving up on the hope that the past could have been anything different.
  2. I cant say i would have stayed with him if he was honest upfront because i know what and how he is. but lets assume, he was a normal honest, loyal, and faithful person. if would have told me first, we could have talked about it, further educate together, and make a decision from there based on honesty and knowledge gained.
  3. wscdancer2010, i replied on your other post to mine. Hun, i said my ex is a sociopath not anyone, in fact he also narcissitic, and passive/aggressive. I agree that herpes testing should be routine. its not because pharm. and insurance companyies dont want to have to pay for some of medications that are expsensive.
  4. wscdancer2010. i said my ex is a sociopath. and only him not anyone else. thank god louisiana law protects me. i will get everything i am asking since he doesnt want criminal he is cooperating. he is already starting to repay me for some of my expenses so far. Herpes is a viral INFECTION of the skin.no matter how one stacks it, it is an infection. I agree with the stigma added to it and further education of it. at the same time, there has to be so accountability for people who knowingly withhold their status and put other people at risk. to me its different if he didnt know he had it then i couldnt be angry.
  5. Thank you for your words. i am in counseling. i started it 2 days after the first test came back. The civil court battle with him will/is easy. he is not denying his actions and so far agrees to what Im asking for. going through the court is for my protection. it makes it a judgement so he cant file it away in a bankrupcy and continues to cover my care and counseling by his estate if he dies before me.
  6. i read your story and understand to some degree about how horrible having this is.At the same time, im in this position because of someone like you. My ex gave it to me. He knew for years he has oral and genital herpes. He has destroyed my life. in fact there are plenty of women he has done this to. What right did he have to take my right of choice? What right did he have in expose and infect me with an incurable disease that permanently alters my life? Its a crime in my state. Im taking him took court. We are going to Civil court. the DA will decide whether to press charges. he will provide for mu care for the rest of his natural life and if he dies before me, his estate will continue. I beg you to be honest with your partners. They have the right to know. its only been 3 weeks or so since I have learned I have it. the devastation i feel is un measurable. I dont understand how someone can knowingly do this to another person. he is sociopath so i will never know from him. sociopaths aren't capable of normal feelings, empathy, etc. some how someway i will campaign to make it a crime in every state for withhold a communicable disease. it is in about 36 states even if a person does not infect. I also want to start a campaign for people to know its a crime so victims like me can put a stop to the senseless, needless spread of this horrible devastating disease.
  7. Two years I started dating someone. It was off and for 2yrs. Four weeksI week to my doctor for what seemed like a yeast infection and rash that wouldn't go away. A week later during my physics class, my doc called me and told me I was positive for herpes. I was devastated.I told him I didn't believe him and wanted more tests. So last week, he took blood tests. Although not all are back, One came back with the type; HVS 2. its been 3 weeks since I got the 1st test results. That night i went to my ex because we have remained friends. Keep in mind he and I split because he cheated on me with. Women. I asked him if there was anything about his health/sexual status he need to tell me. He said yes, he told HE KNEW HE HAS ORAL AND GENITAL HERPES FOR MANY YEARS!! In fact he has NEVER TOLD A SINGLE WOMAN HE HAS BEEN WITH ABOUT HIS STATUS!!! There are not enough words to describe the amount of distress I was in when he said this. Its been almost a month since that day/night. Here is where it stands. IN MANY STATES IT IS CRIME TO WITHHOLD YOUR HEALTH STATUS IF YOU HAVE A COMMUNICABLE DISEASE WHETHER OR NOT YOU INFECT A PERSON. Louisiana is one of those states. He and I are going to court. I am civil suing him. He doesn't know what my status is yet and won't until he is court order to a lifetime gag order of my medical status. So he far is in agreement to what I want, like the gag order, life time coverage of any and all medical expenses, plus counseling related to this for my natural life. If he dies before me his estate will continue to provide the care. He will also be legally inform everyone he has been with of his status and forced to notify any new partners through the court system. I'm still working out with my attorney what I will ask for damages. It will be up to the DA of charges are pressed._He is a long time police officer and military. I know this doesn't change what he has done to me and the fact that he has changed me forever. When i asked why he did it, his response was, I didnt think you would love me. No one has the right to a persons right to choose!!!! I know its from him i got this from because i was tested right before we got together and was negative. I dated someone since we had split up. I called that person, told him and he got tested. He is negative. Im angry, devastated, confused, and just dont understand. i was and am still not a person who sleeps around. How AamI ever gonna be able to date again? I feel i needed to tell my story in part for support and vice versa. But also because of posts i was reading by people who barked at the idea that a person doesn't have to tell there partners of their status. NOT ONLY DOES A PERSON HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION, IN MOST STATES A PERSON HAS A LEGAL OBLIGATION!!! I keep asking myself, why me? What did I do in my life to deserve this? All I can tell myself that has any comfort is this. If the only comfort I get out of this happening to me is, IF I STOP HIM FROM INFECTING AND DESTROYING AT LEAST 1 WOMANS' LIFE THEN I FEEL LIKE I ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING POSITIVE OUT OF THE EMOTIONAL, MENTAL,AND PHYSICAL DEVASTATION HE HAS BROUGHT UPON ME.
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