Thanks for your replies. 🙃 Since being diagnosed, I've been considering multiple points of view when it comes to disclosures. Personally, I've decided that I will try disclosing. That being said, I will not judge anyone that decides to take precautions without disclosing. I still believe individuals need to look out for their mental health first and make the decision that is best for them. Although I've decided to disclose, I am going take a different approach than what I see being advocated on the forums within the various H+ communities. It seems as if the emphasis is solely on one sided disclosures. It feels like we're asking those that have been diagnosed to shoulder the responsibility of promoting safe sexual health practices when we're already an extremely vulnerable group. Everyone that's sexually active should be responsible. The emphasis should be on promoting safer sexual health practices overall, and that starts with everyone knowing their STD/STI status. Instead of starting the conversation about sexual health with a potential partner by disclosing, it's important that we start the conversation by enquiring if they know their status and would they be open to getting retested and sharing results before starting a sexual relationship. This is especially important because if you have been diagnosed with HSV2, you are particularly vulnerable to HIV so you really need to confirm the current status of potential partners. Also, just because you were diagnosed with HSV in the past doesn't mean you haven't been infected with another STD/STI since then. With this approach, both parties are starting off fully informed. In addition, if the statistics are correct that the majority of infected people don't know they have an STD/STI, then to me the best way to reduce the stigma is to raise awareness regarding people's own status, not a one sided approach of STD/STI+ people disclosing. You won't stigmatize a group when you are part of that group.
Based on my own prior experience, when my ex-boyfriend disclosed his HSV status to me, I am sorry to say that my reaction was not good.😔 Little did I know, I was already infected with HSV but I didn't know my status.