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  1. I've had pain in the back of my left thigh for the last month. sometimes I feel it into my toes. it's a burning dull pain. I've read and been told that a prodrome won't last as long as mine has (in my case a month). it seems to subside when I stand. sometimes it'll be hurting when laying down and other times it will subside when laying down. I've been scared that it's a prodrome, but that means I've had prodrome for the last month and I don't think or know if that's possible. I've had a prodrome before that was the burning pain in the back of the thigh, but it went away in a day or two after the ob came through.
  2. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-9792/how-vulnerability-can-save-your-life.html
  3. "Him: "Probably not its not a big deal right?"" But it's a deal breaker for him. Makes a f*#k lot of sense.
  4. @Chrissyny I'm from Canada, but I don't know of any online pharmacies. Not sure about Rexall or Shoppers. You might want to check their websites. :)
  5. I had to disclose to an ex-boyfriend that I was diagnosed with h. it was very difficult but he took it well. We have known each other for ten years, and I thought that after I told him, I would never hear from him again. Well, a couple days later, I heard from him. He text me to go golfing. I agreed to go. It took a lot to drag myself out of the house. I just wasn't in the frame of mind to be out socializing. It ended up that that evening of golfing was the least I've thought about h since being diagnosed a month ago! First off, when I met him there, he hugged me hello. He didn't once bring up h. He treated me just as before. he gave me tips on my golf swing just like before. When walking down the fairway to our balls, he put his arm around my shoulders. At the end, he kissed my cheek and hugged me goodbye. It was a nice evening and made me feel the most relaxed I'd been in weeks. :) My hope is that for whoever reads this, it instills some hope in you. Let's all keep strong. :)
  6. This is awesome! I just posted an inspirational story too :) Congrats and so happy for you that you took the chance! I hope nothing but the best for you!
  7. I told a male friend recently about having h. (I'm female). His reaction was so relaxed, it was amazing! He said something along the lines of, It's an STD. It's no big deal. It's common. Then he proceeded to tell me that a girl he dated in the past had disclosed to him that she had h. So I probed him for information as to how he handled that and what she said to him. She said, If things are going to go any further with us, you need to know I have h. He said, Okay no problem. (Something like that). They didn't stay together for other reasons, but he said it was no big deal to him that she had h. I was so happy to hear this! We just have to believe...
  8. I will be donating :) Thanks Adrial for all your work and financial commitment!
  9. Thank you so much for being here @Jorcor :) It helps soooo much...you have no idea...to hear veterans' stories and give us hope!
  10. Thanks for the report, @Adrial :) It made so much sense. I'm struggling immensely with the stigma. I will be listening to this over and over!
  11. I'm starting this discussion so that we can type comments in here that are a positive reinforcement when we are having one of those days. I'll start by saying it's not going to kill you. :) @Adrial Is it possible to have this discussion stay at the top of the discussion feed like the H Buddies thread so that everyone can find it easily when needed?
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