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Posts posted by seeker

  1. um, tell the doctor that YOUR the client and she will give you whatever damned test you want. your paying for it. Man if a doctor told me I don't believe in using it for general testing id tell her to bugger off. what the hell else is an igg type specific for? esp with the number of people who carry but don't present?

  2. its the lobbyist and such. NutraSweet couldn't get approved under Carter cause there was very little research. Reagan got into office and appointed the former head of the company that made NutraSweet and, bam, right in. the least amount of research EVER for a generally consumed product. fyi I drink anything with it and instant headache.


    and im all for testing to make sure something is safe. im definitely for regulations to protect consumers but the system is rigged for the big guys to control, we in Duhmerica don't have a true free market economy ( and no im not talking complete laisie faire pseudo libertarian crap either).

  3. yea yea I know dancer. I think if the back bumps were in a different spot they wouldn't have even crossed my mind but they are in the indented area next to the spine one on either side about 5 inches vertically from each other. I was getting it in my mind that the virus came up the wrong nerve from my spine. it is the closeness to my spine that had me worried. as to the hamstring one, technically its in the boxer short area.


    my main area of concern with all this is possibly giving it to my kid somehow. the bumps in the undies area don't really concern me too much its the crap outside it. it would be nice to have knowledge that herpes bumps only look like .........


    since the doc gave me 30 pills and I hadn't used but 8 as of yesterday I decided today to go to 2 or 3 a day, just took the second. I will call tomorrow about getting a suppressive rx to pick up Monday. I think I need some time to cool off. got my diagnosis, worried, had a kidney stone, worried, got an OB all in less than 2 months ( the stone caused pain for almost 3 weeks, for a man it feels like ive been kicked in my testicles constantly, not a comfortable feeling)


    I know you always give advice, no matter how tough, with love. that's one of the reasons I like you. that and the sexy red hair.

  4. well the spot I was wondering about stopped feeling odd for a day or so and today I had shooting pain like a needle was shoved into my hand for about 30 seconds then notta but some tenderness if I push on it. its been several days, 4 at least, since I first noticed the odd sensation. no discoloration nor sore of any type tho.


    @ havefaith, thanks I too had a kidney stone recently, those things suck.

  5. less than 2 months since diagnosis. seemingly continuous OB. I can understand the bumps in my nether regions, even on my rear end. however ive gotten some bumps on my hamstring recently and a couple bumps on my back. im not sure if they are H or not and its driving me batty. I cant afford to go get everything swabbed, esp with the 48 hr timeframe. I keep hearing H doesn't like being where its not used to but then hear about whitflow and ocular. ive also read about people being ubber careful with bumps and I tend to just slather on the tea tree oil with my finger tip. im 4 days into episodic treatment and really debating going on suppressive for a bit to get a handle on this. im tired of thinking every bump is herpes. the ones that are more exposed are the ones that bother me most. my son likes to ride on dads back in the pool and id hate to stop that because of a damned bump. this stupid virus has already taken so much why the hell does it want more???


    does suppressive really knock it back so I would pretty much know any other bumps weren't it? esp ones outside the "normal" areas?

  6. count on their greed. I don't have the time to look for it right now, but I read an article from Australia where the ceo of a pharma co over there said its a 6 BILLION dollar potential. that's a lot of cheddar. that's one of the good things about competition, the guys who aren't making money on antivirals want a cut of the pie also.

  7. well I was lucky. mine started rebounding immediately and I was doing stuff on my own almost instinctually to help ( like over mouthing words while singing in the truck) plus a friend told me some exercises that help. so other than taste stuff im as normal as I ever was.

  8. @ dancer. it was a walk in clinic and the doctor had himself had bells at 18. i looked it up and some do and some don't suggest anti virals for bells. it has a high occurrence with ALL of the herpes viruses and since he thought i had been thru a mono outbreak and it was the cause im guessing that's why he gave me the rx. i just wish he would have 2 weeks earlier when he thought i had mono, might have prevented the bells and i could taste sweets still. ( and no not tasting sweets doesn't help with weight control, i make up for it in garlic and spicy food now).


    bells palsy is a neurological condition usually triggered by a virus mainly the ones in the herpes family ( or they have a higher rate of causation than others, not sure)

  9. hey lady. ive had a couple of bumps show up in odd areas ( 1/2 way to belly button and inside thigh) . some I didn't even know if they are herpes or not and when they popped ( self popping no less) they have left a red splotch there for some time. stll there as a matter of fact and its been 2 weeks minimum since popage ( I don't care if its not a word its fun to say, popage popage popage). whereas ive had sores appear, pop and notta 2 days later. couldn't even tell they had been there. I will say it looks like they are not as big a splotch so....... I don't notice any sensations there yet the ones that completely cleared up I do. I would give it time. ive had other injuries that took months for the splotches to clear.it may have to do with the depth? I don't know. im just thinking on other non herpes injuries.

  10. hello goldust. im sorry that your family are being rather difficult about this. I have yet to tell any member of my family for various reasons. I will say this. you can either fight it, try to educate and help them deal with it or walk away. people stop talking to family members over lots of things, mainly because they are being bullheaded over whatever it is. I myself have not spoken to my father for over 10 years because of some issues. I just had to cut the ties and walk away. funny thing is I talk to his brothers and sisters still. anyway. don't sweat it, it may take some time to work itself out. I am less than 2 months since diagnosis and while much better now than then I still have my moments of WTF?


    take the handouts or email them this site info or the handouts ( and yes make a stupid joke about not getting a virus from the links ;) ). that lady above my post, 2 kids while having Herpes ( both kinds no less) and they don't have it. so there!


    I have a 12 y/o and as far as I know he doesn't have it and we play in the pool, snuggle still ( he is a bit of a retro kid, more naive at 12 in 2014 than I was at 10 in 1975). I don't let him use my towel nor do i let him eat or drink after me ( which is no big deal cause he is in that phase of not wanting to anyway) but I do that for MY piece of mind not because of contagion. believe you me when you are a parent with H it really worries you but I know what the chances are of casual transmission are ( almost none) and overreact cause its in my nature and helps me cope.


    tell em you have a friend ( me) who has a buddy who has gone thru cancer 2x who hugs him and says its no big freakin deal.


    rant on. this is the place to get it out little lady


    my first OB was thought to be Mono with a bacterial infection on my 2 partners in crime down there. so doctors aren't gods. that's why they call it PRACTICING medicine. id suggest a blood test that does type specific. yes it doesn't tell you where but it does tell you what.

  11. im past that point. did the blood test at a private lab but the doctor at PP said only swab because the other is cost prohibitive. which I think may be poppycock as its only 49 or 59 at the lab. in my meds visit she did say she didn't like the blood test cause it said what but not where. however in my case the bumps around my naughty bits made it abundantly obvious.

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