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Everything posted by Anna01

  1. @2Legit2Quit First let me say that I have forgotten too many times to tell you how much I love your username! It is awesome :) Second, I think you are right. That was the problem with our relationship. I felt too emotionally invested and he was SO self centered. I know that his concern with meeting me is probably a selfish one. Whether it be to relieve his guilt or to get in my pants. lol
  2. Stress and outbreaks are directly correlated. So I would try my best to do things to de-stress. Find out what your special self pampering is. I know I am going to yoga today after work. It really helps with my stress. I might watch a good movie, do a pedicure, take a bath...time to show yourself some love :)
  3. Do you think that your stress level is about the same, better or worse than before?
  4. Hahahaha I really like the way you think @Hello81 ! It is comforting to hear a mans perspective. We are all dealing with the same thing here. I would love to join you for happy hour. Maybe someday we can all meet at the OPP Weekend!
  5. Wow, you sound like a wonderful friend to have :) I would say that you can continue to give her words of encouragement and listen when she needs someone to talk to. This website is honestly my favorite. The energy is very positive and uplifting. There is great information and encouraging messages. Definitely get her here. My advice is to be yourself because you sound like an amazing friend :)
  6. I mean in reality I haven't actually said that yet either! However, I do make an occasional joke with my Mom and sisters. My mom was talking to me about flossing yesterday because she has gingivitis and I am on the brink of having it :-/ She was like hunny I don't want you to have what I have. I was like Oh Mom that virus is nothing compared to what I do have! Me and my sister died laughing. It was funny. We are a family of animated personalities. Honestly I don't think much of H until I picture disclosing to this guy I am interested in. Thats when I get butterflies in my tummy. I just tell myself, if he really cares for me, he won't care about this. If he cares about this, then he doesn't REALLY care for me. We both believe what we have is special...we will see. Only H will tell haha :)
  7. Oh me too. I was so proud of myself like "Yes I have great vaginal health! woohoo." I was totally obsessed haha My ex was probably terrified of telling me because I was so vocal about the importance of my health. I was so vocal that it was misleading. I would've accepted his condition if he would've told me but he probably thought I would sprint the opposite direction. Now I am like "woohoo have have Herpes" Life goes on lol
  8. Don't let his coping make you feel dirty or awful. He is trying to talk himself out of the need to find out the TRUTH. We all go through a phase of denial. It takes courage to get tested when you have symptoms. A lot of people can't find it right away. It took me 7MONTHS to finally get tested after my ex told me he had H! lol 7 months! I was in complete denial but I was celibate so I could take as long as I needed haha. Hopefully, he will get the courage to find out his truth. It is always better to know than not. Some believe ignorance is bliss but honestly I worried 20 times more when I didn't know.
  9. Great story! I love the positivity and hope I will be in the same place a year from now!
  10. Right now you are looking for the right one correct? So see this as an opportunity to get rid of the rotten apples before taking a bite ;-) You want unconditional love! They seem like they were pursuing for some fun. Thank God you dodged that bullet right?! I for one would be grateful that we can see peoples true colors before we give our body to them. Keep the positive attitude girly :) Their reaction has zero to do with you.
  11. @StillMeButWiser I do believe that deep down he is a good guy and his lack of self worth is what kept him from telling me. He has some insecurities (as we all do). I am still disappointed though and I am too forgiving at times. I don't like to be mad or angry with people. So I am afraid I will be too nice to avoid being awkward and he will not understand the gravity of what he did. It is too fresh at this point and emotions are high on both sides. So I will stay away for now and consider giving him a chance to apologize in the future.
  12. @WCSDancer2010 You know I bet he would just love to have a nice roll in the sack with an H+ girl! lol The thought has definitely crossed my mind. I was thinking "This guy wants some booty!" I am strong right now and I am afraid that it will mess me up. When we were texting before, it caused me unecessary emotions. So I think atleast for now I will stay away. Thank s for the advice. The last thing I want is casual sex right now!
  13. @2Legit2Quit I agree. My gut is telling me it is not a good idea. I have a soft spot for him because I know deep down he is a good person but he is extremely selfish. I am afraid that he will do anything to shake off the guilt. So I think I will stay away.
  14. What's sad is they are TRYING to turn us on and are completely unaware of how they sound! It is not a good look. I think it comes from insecurities. You talk yourself up to make yourself sound amazing. Instead of just being yourself and letting people make up their own opinions.
  15. He sounds SO boring lol Nothing more unattractive than a person with in outrageously large ego
  16. Well I wish you the best of luck! Live it up on your birthday! Happy Birthday in advance :)
  17. I don't think it is weird to hope for that at all. Society accepts one more than the other. Naturally you want the more accepted, less stigma associated virus. I am not mad at ya ;-) I am positive for both...must admit I would prefer just the one but oh well right
  18. That is exactly my perspective on it. I can still live! I can still do the things I love :) Also, it is a great thing to wait to have sex. It is a big deal. So let this be that thing that will finally allow you to take it slow. I've always tried to take things slow but failed lol. Now I have no choice...I have to :) So we should just embrace this challenge. I am happy to see you handling it well! Keep it up girlie.
  19. So I broke the news to the guy that gave me H. If you read my story then you already know that he knew he had it for 15 years but didn't tell me about it until the day I broke up with him. It was a horrible experience. The energy that night was all off and it stuck with me for months. I haven't seen him since we broke up. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago to tell him that I tested positive. He said he was so sorry and that he was crying (not sure how true that was) but then he tried to flip it on me, like he wasn't sure that I didn't have anything because I never asked (so not true but whatever). I think he was trying to dodge the guilt. So I cut our conversation short to avoid the negativity. Neither of us would benefit from it. So on the 4th of July he text me and said "Do you have any free time this weekend so I can see you?". Last 4th of July we went on a vacation to some of his friends that are like family. It was an amazing time. I am thinking he might have been reflecting. I told him it is probably not a good idea. I really hate arguing and I feel very strong right now. I don't want to backtrack and play some blame game. I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me thinks he wants to apologize in person, part of me thinks he wants to push his negativity onto me...what are your opinions? Should I meet him for some closure or just move on?
  20. 4 months to be sure. Tell him it is a waste of money to do it any earlier.
  21. There is a huge possibility that one of them are newly H+ so it isn't showing up on a test just yet.
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