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Good News on the Herpes Cure Frontier

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This was just posted yesterday for Herpes Awareness Day. They've made some great progress on a vaccine that may reduce the amount of latent herpes virus in the system by around 97%.

They're also meeting next month in Washington, DC, with the NIH, CDC and leading Scientists in the field to take a serious look at the Herpes virus.


  • Like 4

Love this and Dr Jerome and his team at FHC. They also got a $700 mil over 10 years donation from the Bezo family which will go towards cancer research and others so I'd hope this includes herpes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Fatladysangnocure

Sorry. Another "serious look" ? How many MILLIONS spent on "research" over so many years, and yet NADA ? what "progress" has been made, besides some "Topical Lotions (Valacyclovir/Acyclovir/ Zovirax  ) ? 

  • 2 weeks later...

Fat lady, you're a real buzz kill. Where is your hope? I thank God for Doctors like this that are working everyday to find a cure.  And like the good doctor said, "Write to you congress person, let your voice be heard." I know I am!


I seriously think you're having a moment fat lady, maybe you need to talk to someone? 

As for a cure, don't get your hopes up guys. We're not high on the priority list. This forum is about living with the disease, not hoping for a miracle. I think they vibe about cures on honeycomb... 

Live now. Don't wait. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

I have had GHSV1 for 6 years now. It seems like researchers are learning more about the virus and understanding the nuero-invasive behavior of the virus. It seems like a lot  more companies are working on it so thats good. I guess they figure the first to market with a viable vaccine will hit the jackpot. It seems from what I've read that 5 years is the earliest a therapeutic vaccine could be available. There are also other types of suppressive therapies in clinical trials but they are still years away. Seems like the gene editing technology is a good approach but safety is the issue and how it may affect the liver and other organs.

Trying to stay hopeful. 


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I think it’s also important to know that in order to deliver a safe therapeutic, it can literally take decades. I work for a company that our drug is 12 years in the making and we actually have amazing data!!! It takes time. I know a lot of people take aim at how quickly some drugs are developed, but you also have to consider the funding they’re receiving. Example: covid booster, tons of government funding. Something like herpes that generally has limited impact on your day to day, isn’t going to receive as much funding as something that might be life threatening. That’s probably why it feels like we’re on the back burner. 

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