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skin around genital area - do condoms protect from herpes?

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When youre having sex and ur vagina touches the skin around the penis when the girl is on top or other postions can infection spread that way? Also if the condom has a little space ( talking about a tiny bit) between the base and penis will the condom still be effective during sex? That being the condom is on correctly and covers the penis but it rolls up a tiny bit.


Your question here hits it on the head (no pun intended) as to why condoms only bring the risk of transmission down by 50%. It all depends on where you get your outbreak and if during sex the condom covers up skin-to-skin rubbing against that area. Some people's outbreaks happen where a condom wouldn't cover up anyway, which means the condom does little good to protect herpes from spreading. But still, know the facts about the transmission rates of herpes regardless. Even without condoms or suppressive therapy when there is no outbreak, the chances of passing herpes to a male is 4%. (Note: We don't suggest you have sex without these protections in place; these are just to show you the actual risk.) Let your partner know the risks so you can also let him know how low they are and that you both will work together to minimize the risk for him. With all that said, there will always be some sort of risk of spreading herpes to your partner. We can't escape that, but we can do our best to minimize the risk with knowledge, communication and protection.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Condoms don't cover the whole groin. Outbreaks can occur anywhere between the knee and the butt. That's a big piece of rubber and unless you're into S&M it's not practical to cover things up that much. That said, many outbreaks occur on the genitals. One thing you may want to try is the FC2 Female Condom. That covers the labia and provides a little more protection. It also feels better for the guys as there's more room to move around inside and it doesn't feel like you have a rubber band strapping your tallywhacker.


The woman who I acquired Capt. Blister Prick from with those 4% odds (fubar!) gets her outbreaks on her thigh. Doesn't matter if it's penis/vagina, or leg to leg, mouth to thigh, whatever, if it finds an opening in the skin, it gets in from wherever it's being shed from.


That's a big piece of rubber and unless you're into S&M


So glad I wan't drinking my tea then.... Bahahahahahaha! Hmmm - maybe there is something worth considering in that S&M thing.... *snort*!

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